Chapter Four - Estrella's Diary

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I finish the things I have to do for my mom and school. It is sunday so that means I have school tomorrow so I have kind of been busy. Anyways, I grab the key out from the hole and go to my office. I unlock the drawer and grab Estrella's diary. I also grab my school book, because that is the one I am supposed to be reading.

I go to my bed and set up my plan. I grab my blanket and put it over my legs. I then bend my legs in half so It is like a wall. I put my school book on an open page beside me so if my mom walks into the room I could grab that one and put this one under the blanket.

I grab my book and open up to the first page;

8/23/57 {Page One} Dear Diary,

I have always wanted to start a Diary or Journal, but I have nothing to write about. Until now. Something strange has been happening to my mom and I don't understand it. First thing that happened was, one morning I asked her how did you sleep, because she was stressed about a business meeting. She said, "Well I had a very strange dream." I looked up at her and said, "Oh really? What is it about?" Just to mention I am 12 years old. "You might be too young to hear-" I interrupted her. "I am turning 13 and plus I know it is not real. Please!!!?" She sighed as she looked at me. "Okay okay fine, It was about this guy with red hair in a mask. There is also a room with a dinner table chair." She said messing with her fingers. I looked up at her confused, 'How would I be too young for that?" She looks at me, "I don't know, I just thought that maybe it would seem scary for you." I knew she was lying. I had a gut feeling. What is happening? Well anyways, I continued that day with nothing weird happening. Just wanted you to know the first weird thing or basically what I'm talking about. I will write tomorrow because it is late. I just found this notebook and started writing. Bye! -Estrella Martinez

I look over to the next page;

8/24/57 {Page 2} Dear Diary,

I am back and I am going to write about the next weird thing that happened. Before I do that I just went to check on my mom and she is writing in a book as well! I thought it was cool . . . or this could be a weird sci-fi thing. Also I Love sci fi fiction. It is so cool, but anyways the next day I asked her about the dreams again and she just ignored me. Like- What did I do!? I ignored that fact and got curious and snuck through her room. She deserved it in my opinio-

I hear my mom walk down the hallway. I quickly put the diary under my blanket so my mom doesn't catch me. I grab my school book and start reading. The footsteps pause and I continue reading even though I am curious. I think she is testing me to see if I am doing something I shouldn't. Does she think I am dumb? She then opens the door and says, "What are you doing?" I look up while showing her my book, "Reading." She looks at me suspiciously. Maybe she figured out that I am going back into those dreams. She then says, "Put your legs down." I look at her confused. She then replies with a mom look. I sigh as I put down my legs, but moving them in a way that they would move the diary under my legs. I did that because it is such a thin blanket you can see the outline of the book without trying.

She looked at me, angry because she knows I am hiding something about those dreams. She walks away with an angered look on her face. I don't think she realizes what she is starting. This causes me to be angry so I want to make her more mad. I chuckle loud enough for her to hear. This is where another problem began.

This is war from dreams to conversations . . . I have a plan.

I snatch the records and books about these dreams and storm to the attic. My mom didn't even say a word to me as I entered the attic. Honestly I don't care if she figures it all out. While I am screaming curses at my mom in my head I see a dark figure run across the floor. It was saying something.

I couldn't really make it out, but I think it said "It is working." What is this supposed to mean?

Another Discovery, another dream. We Need to go back to the dream and to the diary. Let's do the diary first, because we can't go to bed now. I grab the diary and open to the next page.

9/24/57 {Page 3} Dear Diary-

I forgot to finish page 2 I flip back quickly

9/25/57 {Page 2}

Opinion. I found a chest under her bed that I have never seen before. I grab it and look at it. On the bottom it is engraved with the words, "The Guy In The Mask" I look at it confused. What is that supposed to mean? I grab it and go into my room. I don't have a key, but my mom just arrived home and I can't go back into her room.

I remember when I was younger I had a phase where I would like to lockpick. I go into the attic searching for my old boxes. A few minutes later I found a box with the name Estrella on it. I quickly open the box and find a box of lockpicks. I close the box so my mom doesnt know I went into the attic.

She says it's forbidden or something? I grab the box and go down the ladder and carefully put it back up. I surprisingly did it without a noise. I ran to my room then my mom stopped me. She heard my footsteps and yelled, "What are you doing Estrella Melania Martinez!?" I need to think of a lie quickly. I am not good at this, "I was trying to sneak a snack!" She makes an angry groan. "You know dinner is in an hour! Put it back and stay in your room for 30 minutes!" I sigh in relief.

This is a good thing. Past me would be furious though. I can spend more time working on whatever this is. I also can grab a snack now and act like I am putting it away. I grab some lays chips and go lockpick this chest open.

I open it and I just find a notebook. I take it and it says, The Guy In The Mask Diary. This is weird. I take it and hide it. I lock the chest and think of a plan.

When she lets me out. I will ask her if she will start dinner. She will say "Thanks for reminding me!" She always does that. I Will put the chest in there without the book. I am a very good kid and never do anything bad. The snack thing is the first bad thing I have done in two years.

She will never think it was me.

The page randomly stops. What happened with that notebook and before I know it, it is also dinner time for me too. I go and eat. I act really good so I can get away from trouble.

I walk with my right arm behind my back in respect and wear my old dinner dress. When I enter the room she looks at me confused. "I am trying to be a better person because I disrespected you earlier and I felt bad." I say with a fake smile. She thinks I am a bad actor and liar because I pretended to be one so I could get away easier.

I need to go to bed now, but in my gut I don't have a good feeling about tomorrow.

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