Chapter Three - Another Dream

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I don't end up in the chair room or at the door. I end up back at the staircase but as a ghost . . . I look at my hands. They don't look like mine, I look at myself, I am Estrella. I look at the bottom of the staircase. There lies "my" dead body. Who was the killer? Why was my mom so secretive about this? I found a shell casing. I realize that the bullet shells match my moms. It must be a coincidence, but all that is going on.

Do I solve the case? I have no Idea, but before you know it I am back in the dark room with the rocking chair. I am drawn to the chair once again. I sit in the chair with no resistance. I am willing to give all I have to figure out what was happening.

Same thing, blood drops, the girl in the mask. But there is something different again. The mask has a larger chip in it. This time I can see her whole eye. Just like the description, Hazel. There is something different about her eyes still. They're leaking blood. I am not scared but I feel awful. I then hear a soft whisper, "Save me."

I realize that is what I am here for. I need to save her. It is my next mission. I get up from the chair and then she tries to attack me. I then slide underneath her like a comic book character. I slide into the wall and there is a secret room. The girl in the mask didn't see me go in. Something is weird about this room.

I can see through the walls and there is a book on the table. It looks like the girl in the mask thinks I am gone so she just sits in the chair. I carefully investigate this room. It looks a lot like the guest bedroom in my house but there is something different about it. There is stuff that says Estrealla and decorations. Also there is a diary on the table . . . what if it is about this?

I go to grab the diary but there is a passcode to get in. Why is this? She is the only one here. . . I look at it and I remember in the guest bedroom there are four numbers engraved on the side of the bed. 5973 are the numbers I see. I try it and it opens. I grab it and then I wait and wait until I wake up.

I wait for at least an hour. I put all my things in a backpack I found under the bed. I wear it and exit the room. The girl in the mask saw me in the room and was furious. She grabbed a knife as I realize now the chip in the mask I can see a little bit of her cheek.

I hear a whisper say, "Continue . . ." I feel confident after that and decide to fight back. I realized I zoned out and a knife right at my throat. Scared I would fall, but that made me dodge it. I kick the stomach scared I am hurting Estrella. She drops the knife. I grab it and look back up. She is holding a gun . . . Right as I am about to get shot a ghost type thing tries to pull her back.

It gets loose and the gun fires. I keep my eyes closed from being scared and then a flashback of some sort appears in my head. Multiple places where kids get shot. Each flashback is kind of like what happened to me and my mom. At least 100 flashbacks appear.

Something then happens. Then I wake up. I set an alarm for early in the morning so I can take notes on my dream. It all seems too long for a dream but too short for real life. I am still wondering after a few days what is this?

I lay for a few minutes thinking. I finally get up and realize I am still wearing the backpack. It had Estrella written on the side of it. I need to hide this from my mom for sure. I take the diary out of it and put the bag in the hole of the mattress.

I set up my office area and that is when my mom walks in. Quickly I try to cover it up with notebooks but I could not find any. I just flung them onto the floor hoping not to get caught.

I look at her and she looks at me. She looks at the floor and says, "Clean this room, it's awful or I am taking away everything on the floor." I look up in shock and she watches me.

If she continues watching me while I clean she will see the notebooks. Scared, I say, "Okay." She continues to watch so I start with the top of my desk. She shakes her head and says, "Start with the floor. It is a larger mess."

Petrified, I have no Idea what to do.

The first time I went blank. Omg- I thought to myself. I grab a notebook off the table- I get interrupted. "Just put that up with the other books later. I look at her and nod. I tried to stall by opening the drawer. I then see a pencil that rolled off my desk. I have an idea. I go to put it up, turn around and squat on the ground where she can't see me. Basically on the other side of the desk a pencil fell and I could have my back away from her.

I then pick up the notebooks hiding it from her. I place them in the drawer neatly, then I just pick up the rest of the office and then my room. She left when I started on my room, not my office. I then go and lock my drawer so she could not get into it later.

I kind of don't like this whole dream thing. It is making me lose trust with my mom. I grab the key and put it into my hidey hole. I need to read that diary some time soon. I need to close for now.

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