Chapter Nine - The Last Dream

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We enter our dreams. I look around and my mom is nowhere to be found. I'm scared for a minute then I realize I just need to keep going. I go to the chair and smash it.

The girl in the mask becomes angry and more powerful than ever. The Mask is chipping away. There is only a little bit. I feel like I need to talk to it.

"You need to stop! What did she even do to you!?" I yell the loudest I have ever yelled. The whole room becomes silent. The mask chips away just a little.

"It's not my or her fault that you became what you are. You can change that!" I yell a little louder. The mask falls off and my vision goes in circles. In circles.

It seems as if my whole life restarts. I am back, back home.

I pause. "Mother!" I scream falling on my knees crying. I wasn't upset about this before and now I realize everything. I realize now why I shouldn't do the missions.

I get to meet my real mother and the next thing I know she is gone. My sister has been missing for years, and I finally get to meet her but now that she is back we have to start our lives again and get jobs because we don't have our parents. We will be working and never see each other anyways.

What have I done!?

I cry with my sister. I know I can make this a better life than it is. My mind goes in circles and circles again and I realize I have to restart my life. Then something happens.

I wake up and look around. My room is gorgeous. This is my new life. I get up and find my sister. "Ahh!" I scream so loud. My sister had hung herself. All that I have done for her. I fall crying and then someone walks in.

The mask is on just a dark figure with no one around. No person to wear the mask. "Hah, My plan worked. This was all a trick and you just killed your family. Now it is your turn." The mysterious person said, trying not to laugh.

I find myself burning in the fire and there it is . . . my family. Before you know it I grab them and try to save each other and I find myself trapped in a dome.

My mom is yelling at me but I can't hear anything because of the loud roaring fire.

The baby from my dream comes out saying, "Mom" over and over. I see a window. I think it is for air. I grab the baby and throw it out.

Now I see what happened. I was saving the baby, not killing it. Maybe one day she will find this notebook. I am sorry. The dome opens.

There she was standing there. 

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