APA's sweetheart

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You jump on the apron after running down the ramp determined to make sure your friend Edge was okay after his match with Test who had been harassing you for awhile now. You hear laughing only looking up for a second at test trying to make sure edge was okay until you felt a boot on your head making you yell out as your face is pushed in the mat until you quickly throw a low blow and jump up pouncing on test feeling so much anger at all the nasty words he said to you, the nonconsensual touches, the nonstop flirting that made your skin crawl it was all too much and you had have enough of it, you hear loud rock music as you throw a final slap to test as edge rolls out of the ring wobbling as Bradshaw and Farooq enter the ring as test stumbled up grabbing you by your throat but was quickly jerked and thrown off by bradshaw as you slide out checking on edge who shakes his head as Christian appears by his other side to take edge backstage to be checked by medical going to join them as you watch what was happening in the ring. After watching for a few seconds you turn and begin to walk away when you hear a yell before a hand lightly grabs you turning to see bradshaw who you follow back in the ring where you stand across from the two tall men who both raise a hand out to you slowly raising your hand and putting it on their hands which is quickly overlapped by their's and raised in the air feeling nervous as bradshaw reaches under the ring and holds a cloth handing you a shirt which you unfold in front of you smiling when you see the words "Acolytes Protection Agency's sweetheart" laughing as you throw the shirt on, the next week a match is made between test and bradshaw standing ringside occasionally glaring and locking eyes with test who still tries to flirt with you only earning a middle finger by you, a shove into the ring post, and a rough clothesline from hell noticing how protective bradshaw was over you having only officially known you for a couple of weeks slowly developing feelings for each other as the next two months went by of being in APA. You come in seeing bradshaw sharing a small grin at each other not seeing him watching you walk in the locker room deciding to finally show his feelings for you, your heart races noticing bradshaw out of the corner of your eye but instead of it racing how did when test would walk in it raced in a way that you wanted to feel more turning with a small smile noticing the proximity between the two of you and your face hears up when he gently holds your face in his hands pressing a soft kiss on your forehead followed by both your cheeks then your lips which you quickly kiss back wrapping your arms under his with your hands on his shoulders as his held on to your face moving on hand to the back of your head lightly running his fingers in your hair before pulling away laughing as you sway side to side in each other's arms before walking out hand in hand only to see a smirking farooq "Finally I thought I would have to just lock the two of you in a room" you all laugh as the three of you head to train one last time before getting ready for Raw.

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