Eye pain

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Your allergies were absolutely leaving you tired and aching from a cold you recovered from, a small chest cold mixed with congestion, nose bleeds, and now your itchy, burning, and slightly swollen eyes that were making you tear up from the slight pain. "Baby come with me, I'll help you wash out your eyes" you get up and let Bianca lead you to the bathroom where she gently pats and wipes the outside and corners of your eyes before filling an eye dropper with cold water putting droplets of water in your eyes before you splashed more cold water in your eyes which eased some of the pain but it just was not enough this time as you tear up in pain and frustration from your eyes still bothering you leading to bianca placing a cool pack over your eyes to help with the small amount of puffiness and swelling around the corners and under your eyes before carefully putting eye drops in your eyes which began to help over the next hour as the two of you watches tv in bed and snacked slowly winding down for the night beginning to feel tired and your eyes feeling much better than they had been the whole day. A few minutes later after noticing your eyes looking more clear and better than earlier when she put the drops in your eyes, she looks to see you asleep smiling as she turns the lamp and TV off pulling you into her arms "I love you baby" she smiles hearing your quiet mumbled response in return before she fell asleep after hearing your even breathing and feeling your heartbeat from your back against her chest which only made her fall asleep quicker not before intertwining your hands together and her other arm tucked under your head and pillow.

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