Soft tissues

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Your nose burned as you blow it yet again before slowly wiping in between sniffles being sick not just with your bad allergies but also a small cold that made your nose stuffy, your voice a bit lower in octave, and throat sore to no end. A light cool touch makes you wake up a bit even though you were dozing off to see your wife Mia with a bowl of soup and crackers on a tray with a cold cup of water putting on a movie as you slowly eating and drink the water blowing your nose in between and after while laying in her lap feeling her hand run through your hair as the two of you watch Mrs doubt fire which was always a personal favorite of yours and got mia into it not too long after the two of you got together leading to the film becoming a go to movie to watch when either one of you was sick in any way, your eyes burned with tears from allergies but also the burning pain from your swollen sinuses and red nose groaning as you yet again blow your nose seeing a tissuse box next to you instead of paper towels feeling relief as you wipe your nose with the softer tissues rather than the course paper towels. She has you take DayQuil before eating again and taking a warm shower which helps with clearing your sinuses a bit and relaxing your body helping you slowly doze off on the couch. Mia wakes you up later on for dinner eating most of dinner before having to take more medicine for the cold watching Jackass movies for the rest of the night until you had fallen asleep feeling much better than you had been for the past few days as your energy, appetite, and breathing clearly came back.

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