I wish it was over

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"You don't deserve that bullshit Solo!" you had bluntly told Solo he should leave the bloodline because of the continuous abuse. "You say it like it's so easy but it fucking ain't" you feel your heart sting at the tone he speaks to you but you only feel anger and frustration as you talk with solo, "It won't be not one bit but if you're willing to try despite what could happen than it won't be as hard as it would be without trying at all!" he feels the words you say stab and stay stuck in him especially in his heart due to how much he truly cared for you but kept hidden to protect you mostly from Roman "I wish I wasn't involved in any of this, god I have wanted to leave so many times" you stand a few feet away feeling tears prick in your eyes feeling the emotions bleed through his voice as he speaks "I wish I was free like everyone else and that all of this was over" he sits down ferling the weight of the world on his shoulders crumble and you could tell just by the pure look of anxiety, mental exhaustion, and emotional burnout. You sit next to him being cautious of how close the proximity was, "I wish it was over..." you gently reach your hand forward and run your hands through his messy hair away "You have a say please listen to your heart, what it's really telling you" he slowly turns to look at you with a newfound emotion you didn't know that he would show in front of anyone let alone you of all people feeling a chill course through you when he gently grabs your neck before closing the gap of space left with the most carnal, tender, gentle, and soft kiss that leaves you a mix of emotions but mostly shock and joy as you both pull away smiling, you shake your head with a smile as you gently caress his face "I know one thing my heart wants and what I have wanted for so long" he smiles pulling you in his arms holding your face as another kiss is shared "I'm leaving and joining you" you stare surprised at him as tears flow down his face "I'm leaving the bloodline". The two of you stand up swaying side to side slowly as you hold each other walking out hand in hand to his house smiling when you wake up wrapped in his arms, you stand in your dressing room watching the bloodline in the ring suddenly seeing solo throw Jimmy out of the ring, kick roman in the face, and samoan drop Jey before leaving the ring backstage smiling big when he walks in your locker room quickly before meeting each other for a passionate kiss, walking out and standing ringside during your match against Mia Yim laughing when he jumps in the ring with the biggest and realest smile while holding you up in his arms before kissing you leaving the crowd proud, stunned, and cheering as the two of you walk backstage hand in hand.

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