Prologue: The Beginning of a Secret Crush

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Minseon was bored. He had just finished his last class of the day, and he had nothing to do until his next appointment. He checked his phone and saw that he had no new messages, no new notifications, no new anything. He sighed and looked around the campus, hoping to find something interesting to catch his eye.

He spotted a group of students gathered around a bench near the fountain. They were holding cameras, microphones, and other equipment. They looked like they were filming something. Minseon felt a surge of curiosity and decided to walk over to see what was going on.

As he got closer, he noticed that one of the students was standing behind a tripod, holding a camera. He was wearing a black hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. He had dark hair that fell over his forehead, and a pair of glasses that framed his eyes. He looked focused and serious, as he adjusted the angle and zoom of the camera.

Minseon felt a strange attraction to him. He wondered who he was, what he was filming, and why he looked so familiar. He realized that he had seen him before, in one of his elective classes. He was a film major, if Minseon remembered correctly. He also remembered that he never spoke much in class, and always sat in the back row.

Minseon decided to approach him and strike up a conversation. He walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, excuse me," he said in a friendly tone.

The film student turned around and looked at him with surprise. His eyes widened behind his glasses, and his mouth opened slightly.

"Uh... hi," he said in a low voice.

"Hi, I'm Minseon," Minseon introduced himself with a smile. "I'm an international business major. I think we have a class together."

The film student blinked and nodded slowly.

"Oh... yeah, we do," he said.

"What's your name?" Minseon asked.

"Hyunseok," the film student answered.

"Nice to meet you, Hyunseok," Minseon said. "So, what are you filming?"

Hyunseok hesitated for a moment, then pointed at the camera.

"I'm making a documentary about the campus life," he said.

"Really? That sounds cool," Minseon said. "Can I see it?"

Hyunseok looked unsure, then shrugged.

"Sure, I guess," he said.

He handed Minseon the camera and let him watch the footage on the screen. Minseon saw various scenes of students walking, talking, studying, eating, playing, and laughing on campus. The shots were well-framed and edited, with smooth transitions and music. The documentary had a warm and lively vibe to it.

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