Epilogue: Happy Ever After in France

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Minseon and Hyunseok had moved to Paris, the city of love and lights, after graduating from their respective programs. They had rented a small and cozy apartment near the Seine river, where they could see the Eiffel Tower from their window. They had adopted a cute and fluffy dog, which they named Cookie, who kept them company and entertained.

They continued to study and work in their respective fields, pursuing their passions and dreams. Minseon had enrolled in a master's degree in international business at a prestigious university, where he learned more about the European market and culture. He had also started his own online business, selling Korean products and services to French customers. He had become a successful and popular entrepreneur, who had a reputation and influence in the online community.

Hyunseok had joined a film production company, where he worked as an assistant director and editor. He had also made his own films, which he submitted to various festivals and competitions. He had become a talented and respected filmmaker, who had won many awards and accolades for his works.

They enjoyed their life as a couple, exploring the city and its attractions. They visited museums, galleries, theaters, and parks, where they admired the art and beauty of Paris. They also went to cafes, restaurants, bars, and clubs, where they tasted the food and wine of France. They celebrated their anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays with romantic gestures and surprises. They made love to each other every night with passion and tenderness.

They kept in touch with their friends and families in Korea, who supported them and missed them. They called them regularly, updating them on their news and events. They also sent them gifts and souvenirs, sharing them their experiences and memories. They planned to visit them someday, when they had enough time and money.

They made new friends and connections in France, who welcomed them and liked them. They met people from different backgrounds and cultures, who taught them new things and perspectives. They also joined some clubs and organizations, where they participated in some activities and causes. They volunteered for some charities and causes, where they helped others in need.

One day, Minseon decided to propose to Hyunseok on the Eiffel Tower.

He wanted to ask him to marry him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. He wanted to make him his husband.

He loved him. He loved him more than anything else in the world.

He bought a ring, which he hid in his pocket. He booked a ticket, which he gave to Hyunseok as a gift. He also prepared a speech, which he rehearsed in his mind.

He took Hyunseok to the Eiffel Tower, which was lit up with sparkling lights. He climbed up to the top floor, which had a breathtaking view of the city. He also found a quiet spot, which had a perfect angle of the tower.

He knelt down on one knee and took out the ring from his pocket. He looked up at Hyunseok with love and hope in his eyes. He also opened his mouth and said the words that he had been wanting to say for a long time.

"Hyunseok, I love you more than anything else in the world. You are my best friend, my lover, my partner, my everything. You make me happy every day with your smile, your voice, your touch, your presence. You support me every step of the way with your encouragement, your advice, your help, your trust. You are the reason why I live, why I dream, why I hope. Hyunseok, will you marry me?"

Hyunseok was shocked and moved by Minseon's proposal. He saw the ring that Minseon was holding in his hand. He also heard the words that Minseon was saying with his heart.

He loved him too. He loved him more than anything else in the world.

He nodded his head and said yes with tears of joy in his eyes. He took the ring from Minseon's hand and put it on his finger. He also hugged him with gratitude and love in his arms.

"Minseon, of course I will marry you."

They kissed each other softly and gently, then passionately and intensely. They kissed each other with all their love and desire. They kissed each other like there was no tomorrow.

They kissed each other, feeling nothing but each other.

They heard some applause and cheers from the people around them, who had witnessed their proposal. They saw some smiles and congratulations from the strangers and tourists, who had shared their moment. They also saw some flashes and clicks from the cameras and phones, who had captured their memory.

They smiled at each other and waved at the crowd, feeling happy and proud of their love.

They looked at each other with love and hope, wondering what would happen next.

They knew that their love would last forever.

Minseon and Hyunseok got married in France.

They had a simple and intimate wedding ceremony at a small and cozy church, where they exchanged their vows and rings. They had a few guests, who were their friends and mentors from France. They also had a live stream, where they invited their friends and families from Korea.

They wore matching suits, which were white and blue. They also wore matching flowers, which were roses and lilies. They looked handsome and elegant, as always.

They said "I do" to each other, over and over again. They said "I love you" to each other, before they even kissed. They said "I'm yours" to each other, as they walked down the aisle.

They hugged each other tightly, feeling happy and blessed about their marriage.

They looked at each other with love and joy, wondering what would happen next.

They knew that their marriage would be wonderful.

Minseon and Hyunseok lived happily ever after in France.

They had a happy and fulfilling life as a married couple, pursuing their passions and dreams. Minseon became the CEO of his own company, which expanded its business across Europe and Asia. Hyunseok became a famous director, who made many films that were acclaimed by critics and audiences.

They also had a happy and loving family as adoptive parents, raising two children who were orphaned by war. They named them Eunji and Minho, who were smart and cute. They taught them about their culture and heritage, as well as about art and music.

They celebrated their anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays with romantic gestures and surprises. They made love to each other every night with passion and tenderness. They grew old together with grace and dignity.

They were happy. They were in love.

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