Chapter 3: The Secret Date Behind Everyone's Back

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Minseon and Hyunseok started to date secretly behind everyone's back.

They didn't know how long they could keep their relationship a secret. They didn't know how long they could keep their feelings a secret. They didn't know how long they could keep their happiness a secret.

They just knew that they wanted to be together. They wanted to be together badly.

They wanted to spend every moment with each other. They wanted to share every experience with each other. They wanted to make every memory with each other.

They loved each other. They loved each other more than anything else in the world.

They texted and called each other every day, whenever they had a chance. They met and kissed each other every night, whenever they had a place. They sneaked and lied to each other's families, whenever they had a reason.

But they also faced some difficulties along the way. They had to overcome some obstacles and challenges that threatened their relationship.

They had to hide their relationship from their families, who would never approve of their love. They had to deal with jealous rivals, who would never accept their happiness. They had to cope with academic stress, who would never ease up on their pressure. They had to balance their time, who would never give them enough of it.

They were scared. They were worried.

But they also had each other. They had each other's support and comfort. They had each other's trust and loyalty. They had each other's understanding and patience.

They were strong. They were brave.

Minseon and Hyunseok hid their relationship from their families.

They knew that their families would never understand their feelings for each other. They knew that their families would never respect their choices in life. They knew that their families would never support their dreams for the future.

They knew that their families would only judge them, criticize them, and hurt them.

They knew that their families would only try to separate them, control them, and change them.

They knew that their families would only make them unhappy, miserable, and lonely.

They didn't want that. They didn't want that at all.

They wanted to be happy, together.

So they pretended that they were just friends, nothing more. They pretended that they didn't care about each other, nothing less. They pretended that they didn't love each other, nothing else.

But they did. They did love each other, more than anything else in the world.

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