Chapter 5: The Trip to France

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Minseon congratulated Hyunseok on his achievement and encouraged him to go to France.

He was happy and proud of Hyunseok for winning the film festival. He was amazed and impressed by Hyunseok's documentary, which had received a standing ovation and a gold medal. He was excited and hopeful for Hyunseok's future, which had opened up a new door of opportunities.

He hugged him and kissed him on the stage, in front of everyone. He didn't care about the consequences. He didn't care about the reactions. He didn't care about anything but him.

He told him that he was happy for him and proud of him. He also told him that he should go to France and pursue his dream.

Hyunseok was touched and grateful for Minseon's congratulations and encouragement. He thanked him for his love and support. He also hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek.

He told him that he was happy with him and grateful to him. He also told him that he wanted to go to France with him and share his dream.

Minseon smiled and nodded at Hyunseok's words. He thanked him for his love and trust. He also told him that he would go to France with him after finishing his studies.

Hyunseok smiled and nodded back at Minseon's words. He thanked him for his love and patience. He also told him that he would wait for him in France until he finished his studies.

They held each other's hands, feeling excited and nervous about their trip.

They looked at each other with love and anticipation, wondering what would happen next.

They knew that their trip would change their lives forever.

Minseon and Hyunseok faced some challenges before leaving for France.

They knew that they had to convince their families of their plans. They knew that they had to prepare for their departure. They knew that they had to say goodbye to their friends. They knew that they had to express their love for each other.

They knew that these challenges were important for their trip. They knew that their trip was important for their future. They knew that their future was important for their happiness.

They wanted to overcome these challenges, together.

So they talked to their families, explained their plans, and asked for their permission. They packed their bags, booked their tickets, and arranged their accommodation. They met their friends, thanked them for their friendship, and promised to keep in touch. They kissed each other, confessed their love, and vowed to stay faithful.

But they also faced some difficulties along the way. They had to deal with some resistance and opposition from their families. They had to cope with some stress and anxiety before their departure. They had to endure some sadness and pain when saying goodbye to their friends. They had to express some fear and doubt about their love.

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