Chapter 1: The First SMS

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Hyunseok gave Minseon his phone number.

He didn't know why he did it. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. He didn't know what to expect.

He just knew that he liked Minseon. He liked him a lot.

He liked his smile, his voice, his eyes, his personality, his everything.

He wanted to talk to him more. He wanted to get to know him better. He wanted to be closer to him.

He wanted to be his friend.

Maybe more than a friend.

But he was scared. He was scared of what Minseon would think of him. He was scared of what his family would say. He was scared of what society would do.

He was scared of falling in love.

Minseon texted Hyunseok as soon as he got home.

He couldn't wait to hear from him. He couldn't stop thinking about him. He couldn't get enough of him.

He wanted to talk to him more. He wanted to get to know him better. He wanted to be closer to him.

He wanted to be his friend.

Maybe more than a friend.

But he was worried. He was worried about what Hyunseok would think of him. He was worried about what his father would do. He was worried about what his future would hold.

He was worried about losing him.

He had never felt this way before. He had never been interested in anyone before. He had never been in a relationship before.

He didn't know how to handle his feelings. He didn't know how to express them. He didn't know how to deal with them.

Minseon: Hi, Hyunseok. It's me, Minseon.

Hyunseok: Hi, Minseon.

Minseon: How are you?

Hyunseok: I'm fine, thanks.

Minseon: I'm glad you're fine.

Hyunseok: How are you?

Minseon: I'm good, too.

Hyunseok: That's good.

Minseon: Yeah.

Hyunseok: Yeah.

Minseon: ...

Hyunseok: ...

They both stared at their phones, waiting for the other to say something more.

They both felt awkward and shy, not knowing what to say next.

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