2| i want you to fake date me

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"Beep, beep. Beep, beep"

You woke up to one of your least favourite sounds. Seriously, the alarm clock was your mortal enemy every morning. But today, there was no escape. School awaits, and its going to be a total mess, all thanks to Beck and Jade.

After laying in bed way too long, you finally dragged yourself up.

It was time to get ready, even if you didn't want to.

But, because you wasted so much time laying in bed and thinking about today, you were in a rush.

As you dashed down the stairs, you crashed into your sister, causing her to drop her cup of coffee.

"Sorry sis!" you yelled without a backward glance.

Slipping into your trusty Uggs, you headed to your car. The day begins, and it was bound to be a wild ride, just like this hurried morning.


you arrived at school, immediately spotting Cat, Tori, Andre, and Robbie hanging out. You strolled over to them, but before you could say a word, Cat blurted out, "Liv! Have you seen Jade and Beck's profile on the slap?"

you were totally clueless, "No I haven't. What does it say?" you asked with a furrowed brow.

Cat answered, "Not in a relationship"

Your heart sank. "Oh fuck, I guess it really is official."

"Yeah," Andre chimed in. "I think its smart to avoid Jade as mush as possible today, speaking from experience."

Robbie nodded in agreement, and you did too.

He was right. Jade was always ten times ruder than usual after a fight with beck, let alone a breakup.

She's going to be furious.

You couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Jade. Sure, she had a temper and could be quite mean, but there were reasons behind her behaviour.

Like, you wouldn't be happy either, if your girlfriend had every girl at school practically drooling over her.

And beck never really tried to understand her. He never listened when she tried to communicate her feelings.

All he ever said was, "its not my fault girls stare ate me."

He had a point, but he could've made it clear that he was in a relationship.

He was literally chauffeuring five Nordridge girls to school every morning, and those girls, being Nordridge girls, were probably flirting with him and touching him for the entire 15-minute car ride.

And the worst part, he would let them.

From your perspective, it seemed like he didn't care about his girlfriend's feelings that much.

But oh well, what did you know about it?

The bell rang, and you groaned internally. It was math class with Jade.

"Fuck me" you thought.

Of course, you had to be the first one to talk to Jade after what happened yesterday.

As you were grabbing your stuff from your locker, you suddenly got pulled away by your arms.

"What the fuck!" you yelled, spinning around to see that it was Jade who was dragging you away.

"Great, this is even worse than math," you mumbled under your breath, as she pulled you into the janitors closet and locked the door behind you.

You spoke, eyeing her in confusion. "Okay Jade, what's going on? Your kind of freaking me out."

"I'm sorry Liv. Its just that ever since last night, I'm losing my mind." She blurted out.

You had no idea why she was telling you this, and she looked like she was on the verge of tears. You didn't know how to respond.

"Well, uhm, do you want me to listen to you rant, or do you want me to help or something." You said in an attempt to calm her down.

"I was up all night thinking, and I have an idea." She said.

You looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"I want you to fake date me" she blurted out before hesitating.

You couldn't help but laugh. "You're joking, right?" you asked incredulously.

She couldn't be serious right now.

But her face remained serious, and she shot back, "I'm not. Why do you think I am?"

"I mean, I don't know. It's just that I didn't expect you to ask me something like this. Were friends, yeah, but not that close. Why do you want me to fake date you, anyway?" you questioned.

"I want to make Beck jealous. Maybe if he sees me dating someone new, he'll realize how much he misses me." She explained, sounding irritated that she had to spell it out for me.

"wont he be surprised that you're dating a girl? Maybe he'll think that you turned lesbian and that'll probably not want to make him date you again." you pointed out.

"He knows I'm bi. Now do you want to help me out or not?!" she snapped. There it was, the classic Jade attitude.

You pondered for a moment. "I'm not sure, Jade. I might need some time to think about it."

"Ugh, fine. But please let me know as soon as possible, Liv. I'm desperate." She said as she opened the door and walked out.

And there you stood, still wondering what on earth had just happened.

Surprise! Two chapters in one day. It was already done, so i thought, why not. The chapters are quite short for now, but I think that'll change the further we get into the book. I hope you guys don't mind for now.

let me know what you thought! 

Love ya!

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