3| I'll do it

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"I'm just so lost, Aimes." You confessed, perched in your sisters room, sharing the day's school events.

She responded with a smirk, nonchalant almost, an air of teenage wisdom about her,

"Just go for it! Sometimes life hands us opportunities to show you're a good friend, and in this case maybe a little more. You get to help a friend in need, and well, maybe get a little cozy with a good looking girl in the process."

You furrowed your brow, disbelief etched on your face. "Wait, what?"

Your sisters smirk only deepened "Come on, Liv, you cant deny you find Jade attractive."

You protested, your teenage angst in full display. "No way, that's so not true. You have no clue what you're talking about."

With a roll of her eyes, your sister continued pushing you. "Seriously, just do it! Quit being a wuss."

You relented, although hesitantly, seeking guidance. "Alright, but what's the plan then?"

Your sister grew impatient, tapping her phone, "I don't know, set some set some ground rules or something."

Still confused, you pressed for clarification, "you know, like keeping it innocent, maybe only cheek kisses. Get it now?"

You nodded and mumbled out a quick "thanks" before walking out the door and walking towards you own room.

Throughout the day, you carried a heavy burden of stress, leaving your classmates confused by your sudden temper.

You were unable to confide in them, just in case you decided to go along with Jade's plan.

Maintaining an appearance of authenticity and credibility was essential, ensuring that none of your friends caught wind of the situation.

But you couldn't keep this secret to yourself, making you dash home and seek solace in your sisters room. There, you spent a good half-hour pouring out your heart, with your sister patiently listening without interrupting you.

You flopped onto your bed, pondering the situation once more, and eventually decided to call Jade to confirm your agreement to her plan. She picked up almost immediately, her anticipation evident in her voice.

"so, have you made up your mind yet?" she inquired.

You couldn't help but giggle. "I have."

"Well, Tell me?" she urged.

You leaned into your decision. "I'm in, but with one condition. We need to set some ground rules."

You heard a muffled exclamation of excitement on the other end of the line before Jade responded. "Okay, bet. Can you come over now?"

"Sure, I'll be there in a few," you replied, already grabbing your stuff and heading out the door.


Now seated on Jade's bed in her room, you took a moment to observe your surroundings. It was only your second time in her room, and you hadn't had a chance to really take it in, but it was really cool.

It perfectly matched your expectations based on Jades style and demeanour.

"So, your ground rules, tell me." Jade said, standing in front of you with her notes app opened on her phone.

"First, no kisses on the lip. Only kisses on the cheek." You began.

Jade tapped away on her phone. "Noted. What's next?"

"We can't reveal that it's fake to anyone, not even our friends. It needs to be as convincing as possible." You emphasized.

Jade nodded in agreement. "Alright, got more?"

"Of course" you said. "We have to spend time together outside of school, or at least make it appear that way. Maybe post a picture together that we had made in advance or something. Otherwise, people will catch on to our plan pretty quickly."

"genius" Jade commented, still focused on her phone.

"Rule number four: if, after two months of this fake dating, you're still not back together with Beck, we call it quits." You suggested. It was only fair to have a maximum timeframe.

"Okay and last one, don't fall in love" you added.

Jade's eyes shot up, and she giggled. "why would I fall in love with you when I'm trying to win Beck back?"

You teased, smirking. "You never know, Jade. I'm pretty charming. Maybe the act of fake dating will make you fall in love with me, and make you want to date me for real."

Jade laughed it off. "As if."

"When do we kick this off?" you asked.

"Tomorrow, but we'll ease into it." Jade replied.

You shrugged. "Okay."

Jade extended her hand. "Let's do this, girlfriend."

You accepted the gesture and shook her hand. "Yeah, let's do this."

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