5| put your hand on my thigh!

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You swung the door open, stepping into the Asphalt café, scanning the place for your crew.

The buzz of voices hit you as you navigated through the crowd, and then you spotted those unmistakable green highlights.

Heading over to the table, you found only Jade, Cat, and Andre chilling there, leaving a spot next to Jade wide open.

"Hey," you mumbled, sliding into the seat beside her.

Jade shot you a smile, returning the greeting. "Hey, Liv."

While Cat and Andre delved into some conversation that seemed to have its own universe, you attacked your salad with a fork, ready to eat it.

That's when you felt a hand land on your thigh.

Glancing at Jade, you realized she was still engrossed in the others.

Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you felt like you were turning into a human tomato.

Swiftly, you buried your face in your phone, pretending to be deeply invested in whatever was on the screen.

It was strange – you couldn't figure out why you were getting all flustered.

You didn't even like Jade, and even if you did like someone, blushing wasn't your usual response.

Lost in your thoughts, you felt a gentle nudge from Jade.

Looking up, you tried to act nonchalant. "What's up?" "

Andre was asking you a question," she said, sporting a somewhat forced smile.

Turning your attention to Andre, you caught his bewildered expression. He shrugged it off, unlike Tori earlier that morning.

"Yeah, um, I was just asking if you're already done writing the song for our advanced songwriting class?" Andre inquired.

You sighed and dove into the conversation, letting the chatter flow as lunch passed by in a breeze.


You were at your locker, trying to wrap up the day and psyched to head home.

Closing the door, surprise hit you - there stood Jade.

"You're taking me home," she stated, not amused.

"Uh, yeah? I drove you here, didn't I?" you replied.

She didn't say anything, just turned and walked away.

This was clearly just the beginning. Following her outside, you opened the car door for her, and she practically leaped in.

Getting in yourself, you handed her your unlocked phone, knowing she would ask for it anyway.

Driving off, Jade, still scrolling through your phone, asked, "So, what did Tori say?" before putting it away as a song started playing.

"Not much. She was just freaking out about us walking in together, acting like we were 'so close,'" you explained, air-quoting the last part.

"You didn't tell her we're fake dating, right?" Jade questioned, raising her tone.

"No, I didn't, Jade. We made rules," you reminded her.

She sighed, whether relieved or annoyed, you couldn't tell.

"Whatever," she muttered.

Silence fell before Jade spoke again. "Put your hand on my thigh," she demanded.

"Wait, what? Nobody's around," you said, baffled.

"No, but it has to be something we just do, look natural, and there's gotta be tension between us," she explained, sounding annoyed at your confusion.

Waiting for you to make a move, you didn't, so she took matters into her own hands, literally.

She grabbed your hand and placed it on her thigh.

Rolling your eyes, you left it there, not wanting to start a scene. And though, you didn't want to admit, it didn't feel bad at all.

Finally reaching Jade's place, she thanked you for the ride. Before closing the door, she turned and said, "Tomorrow, I'll pick you up. I don't like being a passenger princess."

She closed the door abruptly, and you rolled down your window, shouting, "You were the one putting my hand on your thigh, Jade!"

No response. She didn't even look back. Instead, she flipped you off, making you giggle as you turned around and headed home.

A/N: Very short one, but these are all kind of fillers anywayyyy

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