9| I dont like being alone at night

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Cat glanced around the bustling crowd, searching for Robbie amidst the sea of faces. "Have you guys seen Robbie?" she inquired, her eyes darting from person to person in anticipation.

Jade quirked an eyebrow. "Not really. Why do you care anyway? I thought you made it clear you didn't want to be his date," she asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Yeah, I did, but he brought Gabriella, and I definitely didn't approve," Cat explained, her frustration evident in her tone.

You chuckled at the irony. "So, you don't want to be Robbie's date, but you also don't want him to bring another girl as a date?"

"Exactly!" Cat affirmed before striding off, determined to locate the curly-headed boy in question.

You and Jade exchanged amused glances before turning back to the task at hand. "So, what's our next move?" you asked, eager to continue with your plan.

Instead of responding, Jade took your hand, drawing you closer, and began swaying to the music playing in the background.

As her hands settled on your lower back, you were taken aback by the sudden intimacy. Every nerve in your body seemed to come alive as you reciprocated, placing your hands gently around her neck.

The sensation was both thrilling and nerve wracking, but you resolved to maintain your composure, even though it was very very hard to.

As the two of you moved in harmony, you found yourself nestled against her, your head fitting perfectly into the curve of her neck.

It felt oddly natural, as if you were meant to be there.

Jade drew you even closer, and the closeness was almost overwhelming in its intensity.

You relished the connection, hesitating a bit as you didn't want it to end, even as you discreetly glanced towards Beck, observing his reaction.

His expression was a mix of anger and betrayal, though you couldn't help but feel a pang of satisfaction at his jealousy. Leaning in closer to Jade, you whispered, "He's looking, and he doesn't look very happy."

Without a word, Jade pulled you even closer, her actions speaking volumes as you both continued to sway to the rhythm of the music. Despite the underlying tension, you couldn't deny the thrill of being so intimately entwined with her.


"Ugh, my feet are killing me," Jade groaned as she settled into the car beside you.

You watched her with amusement, trying to surpress a giggle. "Shouldn't have worn heels. I told you," you teased, unable to resist a playful jab.

She shot you a playful glare before focusing on the road ahead. Her hand found its way to your thigh, a familiar gesture that sent a shiver down your spine.

In the dim light of the evening, you silently thanked the darkness for concealing your blush, knowing Jade would never stop teasing you if she caught you.

As the car rolled along, you couldn't shake the feeling of triumph from earlier in the evening.

Despite your doubts, it seemed your plan to make Beck jealous had succeeded.

However, the thought of Jade and Beck together again filled you with a sense of dread.

Lost in your thoughts, you were jolted back to reality by Jade's voice. "What are you thinking about?" she inquired, breaking the silence.

ou shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Not much. Beck did seem pretty upset when he saw us dancing together. Do you think the plan is working?"

Jade sighed, her uncertainty evident. "Honestly, I don't know anymore. He looked upset, but he hasn't spoken to me in days. If he really wanted me, he would've said something."

You offered a sympathetic shrug. "Maybe he's just unsure how to approach you. You can't wait forever for him to make a move. Maybe you should talk to him."

Giving advice was hurting you, even if you didn't want to admit it. Knowing that what you were saying could actually help Jade even more with getting back with Beck made you want to puke/

"We're here," Jade announced abruptly, bringing the conversation to an end.

As you pulled up outside your house, you turned to Jade with a smile. "I had fun tonight. Thanks for taking me," you said sincerely.

Her smile was warm as she replied, "Anytime."

Just as you were about to step out of the car, Jade hesitated. "Wait," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

You turned back to her, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

"My parents aren't home. If you want, you could stay over. I don't like being alone at night," she admitted, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.

You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected question. "Who would've thought Jade West was scared of the dark?" you teased, before agreeing to her offer and stepping back into the car.



Surprise bitches. I keep on telling yall that im working on the story, and that ill be back soon but lets be real. I never keep my promise. Im so sorry for being inactive though. Ive been struggling with a looooot of shit in my personal life, but im finally getting help which is really good. Im hoping that ill be posting some chapters in the next couple of weeks but I wont promise anything since I don't want to give you false hope. Thank you for the 2k views, you guys are the best. I also definitly didnt proofread this so lmk if you see any mistakes.

Love you, J

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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