7| do i make you nervous?

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"So, how's it going with Jade?" Aimee asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

You found yourself in your sister's room yet again, after an unexpected hangout session with Jade.

It all started when she ambushed you at your car after class, shouting, "Come on, loser, we're hanging out."

Despite your initial hesitation, you agreed and soon found yourself driving to Jade's house.

Surprisingly, you had a great time. Four whole hours of laughter and genuine connection.

When Jade was with you, it seemed like she dropped her mean girl facade.

You wondered if this was a regular thing for her, if she was always like this when not with her usual group, or if she was only like this with you.

Either way, you felt honoured.

During your time together, you delved into the main topic—the fake relationship.

You and her took pictures, strategically changing outfits to make it seem like you'd spent multiple days together.

In one particular photo, Jade surprised you by kissing you on the cheek. You blushed, caught off guard by her boldness.

She smirked at your flustered state.

"Look who's getting all flustered," she teased, attempting to lock eyes with you.

But you avoided her gaze, desperately trying to maintain your composure.

Suddenly, her hand gripped your chin, forcing you to meet her eyes.

She held it there, preventing any chance of escape.

"Do I make you nervous, Liv?" she inquired, tilting her head.

You stammered, searching for words, claiming you weren't nervous with a disgusted expression.

You were trying to convince both Jade and yourself though.

Truth be told, you were incredibly nervous.

The way she touched your chin, the sound of your name on her lips, the way her hair framed her face—it all sent shivers down your spine.

Your faces inches apart, thighs touching, the temptation to kiss her was overwhelming.

But you held back.

Jade released your chin, and an unspoken tension lingered in the air.

That's why, immediately after coming home, you sought refuge in your sister's room.

"It was actually so fun, Aimee. That's why I'm so confused," you spilled.

Aimee furrowed her brows.

"Why is it a bad thing that you had fun, though?" she questioned.

"Because it's Jade! She's mean and selfish and just not someone you have fun with," you almost yelled, though the real reason for your turmoil remained unspoken.

"You're not telling me everything, Liv. What's really going on?" Aimee probed.

After a sigh, you decided to just tell her.

"Okay. While I was there, we were making some pictures to post later on the Slap, and in one of them, she kissed me on the cheek. For some reason, I got all flustered and blushy, and she noticed. Then she grabbed my chin and asked me if she made me nervous. I denied it, but of course, she made me nervous."

Aimee nodded and hummed thoughtfully. "Mhm, and what now?"

"Now I'm so fucking confused because maybe that meant that I like her, but I can't like her because, for one, she is Jade—she's a horrible person with deep psychological problems. And for two, we're literally only being so close because she's trying to get Beck back. What do I do, Aimee?"

She looked up, pondering for a moment before responding.

"Well, you said earlier that she doesn't let people touch her, right?"

You nodded, awaiting her insight.

"Which means that if she gave you a kiss on the cheek, she's definitely in a way comfortable with you. I'm also sure that if she didn't find you attractive, she wouldn't have asked you to fake date her in the first place. Knowing Jade, she would definitely not fake date anyone who would destroy her image."

"Okay, and?" you prompted.

"And that means you're already off to a great start. If she doesn't like you right now, it doesn't mean she can't like you in the future. Just be extra clingy with her. Touch her, try to make her feel how you felt today. I'm sure you can do this, little sis."

Maybe she was onto something.

You could at least give it a shot.

So, you thanked your sister and rushed to your room, contemplating how to make Jade nervous.

As you immersed yourself in your thoughts, your phone buzzed.

Jade had texted you: "I had a lot of fun today, Liv."

A bright smile formed on your face as you replied, "Yeah, me too."

Ive decided to update twice every week, at least. That way you still get fed with content, and I have enough time to write and still get all my other things done. It may variate every week with how much I post, but know that you have at least 2 chapters coming your way.

I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Love, J 

ꜰᴀᴋᴇ?- ᴊᴀᴅᴇ ᴡᴇꜱᴛDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora