6| he's looking

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Several days had passed, and the intrigue between Jade and you was escalating.

Recognizing the necessity to initiate your connection cautiously, you decided to drop subtle hints to your friends.

It had been over a week since Jade and Beck broke up, providing you with the opportunity to make the fake relationship a bit more obvious and interesting.

Upon receiving Jade's text indicating her presence outside, you casually put on your Uggs, gathered your belongings, and made your way outside.

Jade, catching a glimpse of you from the corner of her eye, discreetly checked you out, hoping you remained oblivious to her actions.

Fortunately for her, your attention was engrossed in texting your sister, who was already at school.

She persistently badgered you about the unfolding situation, vehemently asserting that Jade and you would inevitably become a couple.

Despite her certainty, you maintained a cautious skepticism, well aware of Jade's lingering feelings for Beck.

As you opened the door to Jade's car and greeted her, she reciprocated with a casual "hi" before pulling out of the driveway and promptly placing her hand on your thigh.

Initially, you perceived this gesture as a playful jest, but it swiftly became apparent that it was a recurrent thing every time you shared the confines of the car.

Not that you were complaining – each journey to school or my house became progressively less awkward.

Your conversations during these rides were mostly one-sided, with you doing the talking and Jade listening.

Yet, on occasions, Jade would share her thoughts, something that brought you a certain level of contentment, knowing that she reserved this level of intimacy for very few individuals.

Arriving at school, as you approached the main entrance, Jade casually draped her arm over your shoulder.

This abrupt contact momentarily caught you off guard; typically, your physical interactions were limited to mere arm-to-arm contact.

Reminding yourself to stay composed, you took a deep breath. After all, you weren't breaking any of the ground rules, so there was no need for unnecessary stress.

Speaking of rules, you and Jade hadn't exactly spent a significant amount of time together outside these rides, but your collective social media activity on the Slap suggested otherwise.

Stepping through the door with Jade's arm still wrapped around your shoulder, you immediately noticed your group.

While most greeted you with mild frowns, Beck's disapproval was unmistakable.

I could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head as you talked to Andre.

Sensing this, Jade tightened her grip on me, acknowledging Beck's gaze.

When the bell rang, you reluctantly had to part ways with Jade as you made your way to class.

Our group dispersed, and Andre and you, having the same class, continued your earlier conversation.

Just as you were about to enter the classroom, Andre pulled you aside, eager for the latest update.

"So, what's going on between you and Jade? I've been keeping an eye on y'all, and you have been insanely close," he inquired with widened eyes.

Drawing upon your appreciation for acting, you responded nonchalantly,

"Boy, I don't even know at this point. But I'm pretty sure she's over Beck with how she's acting with me."

With that, you entered the class, Andre following, and luckily, he didn't continue the conversation.

Fast forward to lunch, where you took your seat alongside Andre, who sat next to Beck and Cat, and Jade and Cat on either side of you.

Jade greeted you with a smile, her hand promptly finding its place on your thigh.

Observing Andre's curious gaze, likely fueled by our earlier conversation, you soon became aware of another pair of eyes fixated on you – Beck clearly disapproved.

Leaning over to Jade, you whispered, "He is looking. Pretend I'm saying something funny."

Responding immediately, Jade burst into giggles, nudging me playfully.

Noticing Beck's escalating anger, you decided to escalate the situation further by resting your head on Jade's shoulder.

Beck stood up abruptly, walking away from the table. Jade and you exchanged a knowing giggle – your plan was undeniably yielding the desired results. 

A/N: I didn't spellcheck this. Oops.

Sorry for my lack of updates. School, stress and basically life has been getting in the way. But ill try to upload more this week.

Let me know what you think of the book so far, your comments keep me motivated.

Love ya, J <3

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