sorting part 2

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At hearing this Dumbledore looked confused "Professor McGonagall what do you mean that there are multiple Potters?" Asked Dumbledore out loud which got the other students to start mumeromg after getting them to  alm down McGonagall showed Dumbledore the list. "Hmmm that is indeed something very well proceed with the sort." At hearing this McGonagall cleared her throat and said "Potter, Blue!" At hearing her name Blue walks up "Potter, Charlie!" And again at the mention of her name Charlie walks up takes a seat after a few moment the sorting hat shouts "HUFFLEPUFF!" Next up was Delta who went to Gryffindor, Echo went to ravenclaw, Fierce went to Gryffindor as well and now came the most Important one "POTTER, HARRY!" So just like his mates Harry walked up to the stool and the sorting hat was placed on his head and Harry heard "hmmm very interesting I never seen a mind quiet like yours and whats this just as I suspected thoes girls are your wives or should I say they are your mates but that's another story now young heir where should I put you?" Hearing the sorting hat say that Harry thought 'well whatever house you put me in will lead me to being with one of my mates one way or another so I am ok with you sending me to wherever.' At this the sorting hat gave a chuckle and said " very well then my lord BETTER BE SLYTHERIN" at hearing this the room grew slient not even the ghosts knew what to do the the sound of clapping was heard everyone turned and saw it was Blue who was clapping the one turned into two the two into 4 until the whole slytherin house was clapping then hufflepuff then ravenclaw the only house that wasn't clapping was Gryffindor except of course delta and Fierce and after awhile the rest were sorted then Dumbledore says "now it's time for dinner."

A/N IM BAAAAAACK SORRY ITS BEEN AWHILE so I am working on many stories going to post a schedule later today keep a look out see you'll peace

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