chapter 3

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#Great Britain # Scotland# Hogward School Of witchcraft and wizardry# headmaster room#

It now has been seven years that Harry James Potter has gone missing from the wizardry world, because of a accident with the Dursley from their last holiday with Harry that they refuse, to answer him where they want with him because he never was seen at number 4 privet drive.

"Albus have you got any new information about where Harry whereabouts is yet?" Severus Snape said to him.

"No Severurs I haven't yet why that?"Albus Dumbledore said to him as he was a bit surprised to see him here in his office as he got the more information about whereabouts Harry is in the world.

"I was in contact with the other member from the order of the phoenix from across the world, who is in Costa Rica." Severus Snape said to him.

"Do you main that Barry who work in Jurassic world has found Harry?" Ablus Dumbledore said to him as he made have more room to breath yet from the news about Harry being safe.

"Yes and he is not the boy no more because he said that he has the ability to change into a animal known as the Raptor, who are looking after him like their own son." Severus Snape said to him.

"Tell Barry that I am going to visit home in the coming days to find out what happened on the day why Harry, don't return home with the Dursley. Ok Severus because I know you to are good friends include myself." Albus Dumbledore said to him.

"Ok Albus I tell him that you are going to visit him,because of Harry if he ask why ok." Severus Snape said to him.

"Good now if you excuse me I got some planing to do in the main time."Ablus Dumbledore said to him.

#Costa Rica# Jurassic world# Barry house #

Now that Harry know how to change form from a raptor into his human form at different times, when he feel like it. But now he has start learning how to Speak, eat, hunt, read and write because of Barry, who have now been given the trust from Harry adopt mother who is Blue, as a show of respect toward her and her pack.

But he was surprised and even shock that he is now become friends with Indominus Rex who is never really have a name, but with Harry understanding of how dinosaur talk because he is one of them, even with Harry given her a name that she like is known as Fierce ,which she likes the most because it a powerful name to use on a dinosaur like himself.

But he soon found himself every much accept into part of her pack because of the kindness he show toward her like he does with his mother and aunt's who are there for him when he need them the most, but now he has made friends with the for the first time in his family history has made contact to a much bigger predator just like herself.

So as Harry was in Barry house once again going over the lesson that he has been given by him. But he was introduced by a strange noise coming from the object near the fireplace, even though he really doesn't like the sound because he never really hears it before.

"Don't worried about the noises Harry, it just a phone call from another person who calling me."Barry said to him, so as he pit up the phone so he can found out who is calling him."hello?"

"Hello Barry it's me Severus Snape from Hogwarts school." Severurs Snape told him on the other side of the phone, he is still not use to contact to him on.

"Severus please do tell why you called me, because it has to be important." Barry said to him as he was surprised to hear from his long time friend who he has not seen for a while because of his work at Jurassic world, even with looking after the young potter boy as well.

"Its Albus. He knows where Harry is, because he planing a visit to see him." Severus Snape said to him.

"Ok Severus thank you for telling me. I got to get back to work I give you a call once I am done for the day ok."Barry said to him."But when is Albus is planning on visiting Harry?"

"In a few days time he said to me about this vist."Severus Snape said to him.

"Ok Severus thank for the warning about him visting." Barry said to him.

After Barry was finish on the phone toward Severurs Snape he a little worried that the old wizard may take more out of Harry then before. Because he is apart of the Order Of Phoenix in his time at Hogwarts. Before moving to the United state of America to work with his long time friend Owen Grady who got him the job he work at now in Jurassic world.

"Harry once this wizard who I know arrive at the park, I want you to go to Fierce so she can protect you from him, because she is much more bigger then blue ok." Barry said to him as he knows that the will look after her pack because she is a friend toward him.

"Ok Barry, but you have to warn Owen as well about this, even as I am accept into Fierce pack because I show respect toward her and what she is because I am one of her kind." Harry said to him as he agreed to do what Barry said to him about the old famous wizard coming to see him.

"Good. Now I think it the time to change back into your raptor form because I can hear Owen is on his way to see you."Barry said to him.

"Right." Harry said to him.

To be continue.

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