Ch. 4: Public Exposure

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"Hahahaha! Nice job, smart one!" I playfully scold at him and then stop as we reach the end of my street. "Where to now?" I ask. "Hmmm. Well, there is a park over there... Wanna hang out there? There's shade and trees. I like trees. Do you like trees?" Gerard asks. "Yeah sure. And yes, I like trees."  

"I also like the shade." 

"I like that, too." 

"And I like other stuff." 

"Yeah... Same here." 

Weirdest conversation I have ever had. We arrive at the park. I didn't even know this was here! I could have came here for some time to my self! I really need more public exposure...

We sit under a shady tree and watch the other people at the park play games. Five minutes passes by quickly when your content and comfortable in the silence. I wish I came here when I had nothing else to do. It could have been so much better than locking yourself in your room, trying not to kill yourself in the process.

The breeze picks up and it soon turns into a gust of wind that doesn't disappear. "I think it might rain again," Gerard says as he examines the sky. "I hope so. I love the rain," I say back as I lean against the tree. "Why? Is it because its depressing like you?" What. The. Hell. Did. He. Just. Say!? "Excuse me?!" I scream at him. Now I feel like people are looking. He looks at me with the "deer and the headlights" look. He gets really quiet. "I'm so sorry, Frankie. I didn't mean to say that. At all. It just slipped out. I'm really sincerely sorry." His face looks surprised and sad. I think I should accept the apology... "It's fine, Gee," I tell him. "No it's not. That was extremely rude. I should just keep my mouth shut," he says, looking away from me. "No you don't. And yes it was. It was true anyways. The rain is depressing, just like me. I get it and I know it. No need to be sorry. Okay?" He takes a while to comprehend my words. He only nods, but that's good enough.

We sit in silence, again, for another five minutes before it starts spontaneously pouring. I look up and let the rain thats slipping through the leaves of the tree, splash onto my body. I get up and stand in the middle of the field and let my self get drenched in the rain. This is really fun. Gerard joins me. I look at him and start laughing. His long hair is wet and covering his eyes. He smiles back. "We should probably go before we get sick," he says, grabbing my arm. "Yeah, that sounds good," I reply as he drags me after him.

I don't think I've had so much fun before, that I don't want to leave. I take back agreeing with him! I want to stay! This is amusing! Having the advantage of Gerard dragging me by my arm, I turn the opposite direction and run. It results in us falling into the wet grass. I sit up and look at Gerard who's laughing. "Jeez, Frank! You have a lot of strength for your size." I stick out my tongue and then look up at the sky again. We stay in the rain for ten more minutes before Gerard decides to ruin the fun again.

"Alright, c'mon Frankie. Lets go," he says getting up and extending his hand for me. I gladly accept his offer to help me up, but I don't follow him. I just stand there and watch him walk off. He turns around. "C'mon!" he yells. "Nooooooooo! I don't wanna gooooo!" I yell back all child like He gives me a serious look and I start to walk to forward. As he turns around, I run towards him and jump onto his back. So I like piggy back rides...

He almost drops me, but he regains his balance and grabs my legs so I don't fall over. "You're a dork. I hope you know that," he says, continuing to walk. "I'm not a people person. You should be happy I'm acting like this rather than trying to kill my self again." He sighs. There's a dreadful silence for the whole way back to my house.

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