Day 3

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I decided to bike to the coffee shop again. Alex didn't make the best first impression but, I think he's an okay person now, okay enough to be considered my friend. I parked my bike outside the shop and made sure to lock it properly because last time, it almost got stolen. I was walking out of the shop yesterday, and I saw a couple of teenagers trying to take it. They would've gotten away with it, but I got there just in time. In fact, they actually unlocked it somehow, they were just too scared to try and take off with it at that point. 

I walked in and guess who was sitting at a table for two? Alex was sitting there with his computer, typing away. He looked kind of anxious. I put my stuff down and sat. 

"What's up? You look pretty busy today, y'know with all the papers scattered around the table," I said, organizing them for him. 

"Yeah, I've been trying to get this coding job but i'm afraid I won't get it," he said, closing the computer. 

"Don't worry, i'm sure you'll get it, just keep working hard," I said, grinning ear to ear. 

"Yeah, thanks a lot for the motivation speech. Someone should make a quote of that," he said, putting his head down. 

Suddenly, his head shot up, "Please, play the game that I made. It's not finished, but I'm planning on using it, y'know, to get the job," he said.

He opened the computer and turned it around to face me. I used the arrow keys to move around a bit. It was a little pixel waitress and she would move around, interacting with customers. I zoomed in a little bit and noticed that she had the same strawberry blonde as me, and that the character looked really similar to me. At the counter, there was a guy with brown hair and green eyes. 

"Are these characters suppose to represent you and I?" I asked. 

He smiled and laughed, "Yeah, you like it?"

I didn't know what to say but I was happy and really impressed that he created all of this in one night. 

"Wow, this is impressive! You made this all yesterday?" I asked. 

"Yes and now, I started the game last month but added new characters," he said. 

I smiled, I felt warm inside knowing that someone appreciated me. I mostly focused on work and  didn't try to establish new relationships. But now, I wanted to meet new people again. 

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