Day 7

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I heard a knock at my door so I had to leave the comfort of my bed. 

"Who is it?" I yelled. 

"It's me, Alexander."

I opened the door, "Wait, when did I give you my address?" I asked. 

"You gave it to me yesterday, remember?" 

I looked at my calendar, it had been exactly a week since I met Alexander, "Yeah I probably forgot," I said laughing. 

I made some French toast and tried really hard to remember when I gave him my address, considering that I didn't even remember my own address properly. I always had to use the notes app on my phone since I moved to a new apartment recently. 

I gave him a plate and brought out some orange juice, "So, hows your new job going?" I asked. 

"It's going extremely well, I'm one of the youngest but skilled coders there!" Said Alex. 

"Good to hear," I said. 

"Want to meet at the coffee shop tomorrow?" Asked Alex. 

"Yeah, of course! It's nothing new anyways," I said. 

"Oh I forgot, happy birthday," said Alex, taking something out of his backpack. 

He handed me a small box, "I know it's not much but I honestly really tried," he said. 

I opened it, I wanted to be happy but I really don't remember telling him about my love for collecting teacups. 

"Thank you," I said, smiling. 

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