Day 9

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When I woke up that morning, the first thing I did was brush my unruly hair. I was still shaken by the fact that Alexander knew so much about me. He seemed nice but, I think I was wrong to trust him. 

I got a text message from Alexander, "Pocket Restaurant." I clicked on the link and it took me to a video game. In the game, there was me, him, and a few people I used to hang out with as a teen.

 I recognized them because when you interacted with the character, they all had the same exact names and look as people I would hang out with in high school, and sorta still hang out with now. After my teens years were over, I became obsessed with work and never made time for myself. 

I thought to myself, how does he know that I know them and tried really hard to remember if I knew him as a teenager. I didn't hang out with many people so I knew that I didn't know him. I texted him, asking him to explain the teacup and characters but he just marked me as read. 

I started to get frustrated, why couldn't he just admit that he was  stalking me? He started to type again, "I really want you to remember." 

"What's that suppose too mean?" I asked. 

"It means exactly what it means, I r-e-a-l-l-y w-a-n-t y-o-u t-o r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r," he typed, spaces in between each letter. 

I threw my phone on my bed. I wasn't going to the cafe that day, I didn't want to talk to him. 

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