Prologue:Death from the sky Part 4

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several members of Shadow Company operate inside their AC-130 Spectre Gunship callsign Shadow-1.Graves walks along the fuselage, giving orders to his men. Three crew members stand by a 105mm cannon and load a round inside the tube. A fourth gunner loads another round into the rack.

Graves:Loaders, get your rounds in the can.

Shadow-1 Gunner:Yes, Commander.

Graves: Nav, set a heading for that compound.

Shadow-1 Nav: Roger.

Graves: Fire officer, keep a hand on the hot switch, we're just gettin' started here.

Shadow-1 FCO: Solid copy!

Graves:Pilot, you have the con,keep us at a safe distance from Grimm but keeps us in distance with team DEFY.

Shadow-1 Pilot:Yes Sir.

Graves:Comm,get me Commander Gentiane.

Shadow-1 Comms Ofc: Rog, stand by. (pause)Commander Gentiane is up, sir.

Graves:(Radio)Actual,this is Shadow-1, how copy?

Gentiane:(Radio)Loud and clear Shadow- 1,send traffic.

Graves:(Radio) I had to bail your people out of a hot situation,luckily they have friends in high places.

Gentiane:(Radio) That's what you're there for. Tell me something' good.

Graves:(Radio)Angelia and her DEFY have found the survivors of the crash site.

Gentiane:(Radio)Any chance they are just part of TF141 or Los vaqueros?

Graves:(Radio)Negative from what Angelia has told me their America's like me and my Shadow's,Angelia also says they are some kind of spec ops unit but they won't say anything else until their in the clear and it's safe to talk.

Gentiane:(Radio)Has the Votl picked them up yet?

Graves:(Radio)Negative Actual,our birds are refusing to land in the hot zone but we are gonna be with then every step of the way.

Gentiane:(Radio)Shadow-1 you're current orders are to protect our forces on the ground and get this spec ops unit back to base so our leaders can meet them personally.

Graves:(Radio)Roger that Actual we got this. Out here.

Graves turns his radio and gathers the attention of the AC-130 crew.

Graves:All shadows, listen up!

The Shadow-1 crew turns to face Graves.

Graves: These guys and gals on the ground are G&K and these americans,our people and they are our responsibility now.You treat 'em like your own and let's get this done, yeah?

Shadow Group: YUP-YUP!

Graves watches the monitor being manned by the TV operator.

The AC-130 flies over the skies with DEFY and Ember in sight.

Angelia:(Radio) Shadow-1, we're moving up the road towards the town to the east. Confirm you have a visual on us.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Got eyes on friendlies!

Graves:(Radio)Affirmative we see you guys and gals.(To the FCO)Make sure our boys don't fire to close to our boys.

Shadow-1 FCO:Crew, do not fire on any targets marked by a strobe, those are friendlies.

The AC-130 flies over the town ahead of DEFY and Ember.

Shadow-1 Navigator:Uh, TV, confirm you see the church in the town.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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