Woah it's.. a new chapter?!

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Diive breathed in the the fresh air, with a bright yet anxious smile of failure, as she whined to Lia and Ivy about how she studied so hard, though to be honest she only studied like two days or so before the exam so she can't get too mad about it, but still a bit annoyed as they walked back to class from the assembly.

Remembering that she hasn't seen Croissant in a while, Diive, was curious on what she was doing. As soon as she saw Croissant enter the class, she heard her talking about her hair and stuff, the entire day.. As she noticed, Croissant cut her long hair to a fckin' Dora the explorer bob cut. Diive grimaced at the hairstyle, as she shook her hair, looking away from her trying to forget how oily her hair was too, as she sat in her group, which contained Cheese, Ivy, Salmon and Barney and sadly Lia wasn't with them this term either, too bad. She could've seen the Dora bob cut.

Whining right when she sees the physics teacher coming in, as she didn't get the 4 Panadols from how loud and annoying this teacher is, sighing as she just thought, it just MIGHT be possible to not get a throbbing headache for once, which was wrong.


Math class finally is starting, as the physics teacher left. As the math teacher entered, writing the warm up to get started, Barney looked over at Diive saying "Did you write anything?" Diive just smiled. "Don't expect too much." As Barney looked over to Cheese asking the same question, saying no as well. As the three barely understood what the hell they were studying. Cheese asked Ivy to explain the lesson to her while Barney was writing the lesson and objectives. Diive just sighed, knowing damn well this year isn't gonna be her year. Maybe next year, hopefully..


ong im finally back with a new chapter😨

 now ill go back to being offline for like a year again /hj 😘

-best author diive:3

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