( EDITED )How I Lost Everything Part 2

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--Pov Bakugo--

After a few minutes Mr. Aizawa came to pick me up and to take me to the hospital but he looked different, he didn't look depressed he looked sad or  ..... Sorry for me.

Bakugo- "tsk ... What's wrong with you?"

 Aizawa - " *sigh* There's no keeping my thoughts away from you. So I'm sorry this happened ,no one should be going through any of this especially at your age ,and if you need anything just ask ,okay problem child ? "

Bakugo- " I'll be fine just take me to the hospital......(looks away from him) please. "

Aizawa -" ... Okay. "

We get in the car and head for the hospital. When we get there Mr.Aizawa leads me to their room ,and tells me when he will be back to pick me up. After he left I sat in between my parents beds, and cried the whole time the only time I stopped was when a nurse came in to check on them. All I wanted was to take back what I said last night but it's to late to do that and now my sister is missing when all I want to do is protect her because I couldn't protect our parents.

????- "Knock ..Knock ..Knock"

Bakugo- " * wipes tiers away* C-come in ... "

Aizawa -" Hey kid, how you holding up?

Bakugo-" I'm fine....* Looks away* "

Aizawa -" *sigh* You know ,you can tell me how you really feel ,Bakugo? "

Walks closer to me and puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me a bit.

Bakugo- " *sighs* I'm scared that they won't wake up and that Katsu won't be found... "

Aizawa -" They will wake up Bakugo and we will find Katsu, just don't give up. "

Bakugo-".....okay.... "

After a few more minutes we head back to the dorms and I go straight to my room and Aizawa goes to help look for Katsu and who ever caused the car accident.


words: 320

How was that I know it seems like it is going slow back the chapters will get better and longer as the story goes on!

Love you all , bye!

(Edited the title)How I Lost Everything In A Single MomentWhere stories live. Discover now