How I Lost Everything Part 4

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*****Kirishima's POV*****

Mind-*" I've been here for a little over 2 hours and Bakugo hasn't really moved the whole time the only movement has been to adjust his shoulders, but other then that he is still facing the wall.....I'm worried about him he looked and acted fine this morning ,something must have happened when he left class to go to the principles office."*

 *When I look over at the bed to see what the noise is, I see that he is finally turning around so that he is facing me.*

*****Bakugo's POV*****

Mind-*" I should tell kirishima that he can go ,but I don't want to be alone ...... I also don't want him to think that I'm ignoring him...... He's probably  wondering why I'm acting like this.......Ha I'm crying again....I just want this all to be a nightmare and that I wake up to Katsu texting me at 6 in the morning ,or the old man texting to make sure I ate something healthy for breakfast ,or even the old hag calling me just before class to make sure that I'm ready for class....but I guess that won't happen for along time ...... they haven't even woken up yet *sniff sniff*

*I turn over in bed so that I can see Kirishima, but of course I'm crying so I probably look really bad*

Kirishima-"* He's crying I've never even seen his eyes water and why is he crying What happened to him that made him cry* Bakugo, What's wrong..?

Bakugo- " ......*sniff wipes my eyes * I've been thinking and I think I should tell you what happened this morning when I got called to the principals office.....* wipes eyes again*

Kirishima- " O-okay , but don't force yourself....okay?" *Moves so that I am sitting beside bakugo* 

Bakugo-"*sighs* okay........I was called to the office because.... my f-family was in a car accident... my par-rents are in the h-hospital ......b-but they c-can't find my s-sister.......she said that they all where going to pairs for a job .....,but when the police and ambulance got there they couldn't find her or any evidence that she was even in the car...... 

Kirishima-* shocked*" Omgsh bakugo..... I am s-

Bakugo- " I don't want apologises ....I need reassurance....I-i need to be told that everything will be fine.....that this is all just a horrible nightmare.....that if I go home my parents and sister will be there to greet me at the door..........and that I'm not all alone now..........


Words : 405

(Edited the title)How I Lost Everything In A Single MomentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora