Chapter 2

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After finishing breakfast all ict members went to cricket practice in stadium for upcoming matches.

All the team members where practicing for matches. But virat and shubham mind was not in practice since morning.All members where able to see that shubham and virat where not in mood to practice.

After some time all practice was over. But shubham was still practicing bowling without stopping. After some time blood started coming from the hand.
Then virat told shubham to stop practicing but he was not listening and again started playing. Virat told all members to go shower and go to hotel and he will bring shubham with him after some time.

After some time all ict members went to hotel shubham stopped practicing.
Virat went to shubham and ask what happened did he have any fight with any one. No said shubham he said he did not have fight with any one.
Then what happened to you to hurt yourself like this.
Then virat brought shubham with him to dressings room of stadium to do first aid to do to stop his blood

Then virat did bandage of his hand and shubham was busy staring at virat face. Then he thought how he feel in love with virat Bhai. He did not realise how he has fall in love with this person who is bandage his hand.

He knows that virat has girlfriend and knows that his feelings will not be reciprocated. It is one sided love. After some time virat finished bandaging his hand. And both went to shower and went to hotel.

After some time they came to hotel it was late and had lunch. After some time virat phone started to ring it was anuksha call. Girlfriend of virat kohli. Seeing this virat went to take call. After seeing this shubham was not in mood to doing and thought about is one sided love and went to his room to rest

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