Chapter 3

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Virat went to talk to his girlfriend outside the hotel and was asking her about her day, what see was doing whole day and has she time to come to gujrat for his cricket match at narendra modi stadium after 3 days.

She said i have no work for next week.I will come to your match after 3 days in gujrat. Virat says I have a suprise for you and virat cut the call and went to his hotel room to rest.

At night all ict members gathered downstairs for dinner. After dinner they all gathered together for movie night. Then virat told all ict members that he is going to propose to anuksha   
for marriage all congratulated him for his decision and wish best luck for his proposal.

But shubham did not have any heart to listen to this things and got up from the chairs and was going out in time virat saw shubham going out of theatre and ask what happened virat bhai nothing happened I'm not in mood to watch movie I want to go to sleep.

Virat said good night to shubham and shubham also said good night virat bhai and went to sleep in his room.3 days past fast due to cricket practice for match. It was day for match and virat proposal for anuksha.

In morning shubham and virat got up early in morning at same time and went in gym at same time and wished each other good morning after their gym session. And both went to their room for shower and got ready and came to breakfast after breakfast they went to stadium for the match it was india vs australia. Anuksha was present for the match. First to open the match from India was shubham and virat and shubham did century on first 20 balls.

India won the match and all ict members celebrate in locker room of stadium and had shower and went to rest in hotel. Virat took anuksha with him to rooftop of hotel which was decorated with roses, balloons , candlelight dinner setup and fairy lights. Virat and anuksha had dinner first then virat got on his knees and said to anuksha will you marry me? Anuksha said no virat i don't want to marry you because you don't have time for me and only think of cricket bye virat kholi. Never met each other

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