Chapter 4

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After that virat confession and anuksha rejection she left the rooftop. 
Then virat begin to destroy the decoration of the rooftop he broke the
cake, the threw the flower away and sound of things breaking was coming down. The shubham was going to his room after dinner was over he was not in mood due to his one-sided love to virat.

Then he heard the sound of things breaking from rooftop and thought about the place where virat was going to propose to anuksha. Then he again begin to feel sad due to this. And begin walking towards his room.
He heard the sound of things breaking and begin walking towards the rooftop.

When shubham went to rooftop and saw virat breaking things and blood was flowing through his fingers and he saw virat going towards glass shards for breaking them and caught virat hand and asked what happened virat bhai why are you breaking things and blood is flowing through your hands do you not care of yourself.

Virat started crying and said to shubham anuksha broke up with me shubham and again started to cry. Shubham hugged virat and said don't cry virat bhai you do not need to waste your tears for the person who does not care about you. Virat hugged shubham and begin to cry loudly. Shubham said virat bhai we should go downstairs to your room and bandage your hand so you don't get infection and shubham carried virat to his room and clean his wound and bandage it properly.
Virat said to shubham thank you and shubham said your welcome virat bhai and go to sleep in your room and don't think about others things.

Virat said good night to shubham and shubham said you too virat bhai and went to their respective place to sleep. Both shubham and virat got up in morning and went to gym and after gym session went to their room to shower after that they came downstairs for breakfast.

They begin eating breakfast and all ict members begin to ask virat about his proposal to anuksha and virat told them they broke up. Then all said
to virat that you will get more nice girls. Let's go to club for party night for virat's return to bachelor hood.

Then they went to stadium for cricket practice and after that they showered in locker and only virat and shubham
where remaining in locker room and shubham asked virat bhai is your hand ok. Virat said I am ok shubham. Then let's meet at club.

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