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 Chapter 11

After lunch, River, Bebe, and Holly stood inside the bungalow, where Holly and River's families reside for the rest of the week. Bebe had a sheet in front of her and a pen, which she was using to take down notes.

"Okay, everyone's gone. We only have a couple of hours to set up the prom for us all. Holly had found a list of, what we should prepare for a prom night, and about half of the list are things, that should have been done weeks ago. But we still have a few things we can do anyway and still have a decent arrangement for tonight," Bebe explained making the woman nod. "We can go to the creative room and each of us makes something for the room here,"

"Yes, like I just had an idea. If it's easy to make, an Asian-inspired lampshade to put around the lamp over here. Or a disco ball," Suggested Holly watching Bebe notice it down.

"That's a good idea," Commented Bebe. "Does anyone of you think it's easy to organize balloons here?" Questioned the tan-skinned woman watching River put her hand up.

"I heard from Robert the other day, a friend he made here had tons of balloons, but I'm not sure if we can do anything with them. They're water balloons," Explained River making Bebe nod.

"Alright, we can go and look for it," Commented Bebe. "Should we have food or snacks here? We did plan to have the surprise after dinner,"

"I think snacks and a few drinks are alright. I don't think anyone wants to eat again after dinner," Responded Holly. "We can have a bowl of each something and keep spare aside,"

"I would have more drinks, than snacks present," Suggested River watching Bebe notice it down.

"We can also have just simple snacks on the table like peanuts," Suggested Bebe. "Uh, no one's allergic to peanuts here, right?"

"Nope," Responded Holly while River nodded.

"Okay, what else can we do.......we need a specific topic for a prom night too?"

"Yes or at least we had it back then," Commented Holly. "I just don't remember, what the topic was,"

"I don't remember it either. It had something to do with the ocean," Mentioned River. "At least the one, where there was the assault at night,"

"What about we have a music-themed prom?" Suggested Bebe making Holly grin.

"Hey that's River's specialty," Joked the light-brunette making River smile.

"The organization would be actually easy if we were close to the theater," Commented River. "What about picking a summer-related topic?"

"Beach?" Questioned Bebe watching Holly shake her head.

"Nah, I'd rather go with something related to the camp," Suggested Holly and Bebe dropped her pen.

"Man, we've been here for so long and we haven't even started anything," Complained Bebe making Holly sink her head.

"I know what you mean, but what do you expect from 10 minutes?" Questioned the brunette. "Perhaps we should go out and take a walk. Perhaps we might find inspiration for something," Suggested River.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind and go to the creative room and see, what my heart suggests me to make. Perhaps I'll find something as well," Commented Holly. "The kids will laugh at us for knowing, that we spent the day brainstorming for a one-hour thing,"

"An hour? Who said we were going to be here for an hour only?" Questioned River crossing her arms.

"Ok, River is right. We're not supposed to be only entertained for an hour. Just behave like on the prom night years ago. Stay awake for long, mess around, talk with others.....just because we're adults it doesn't mean, we have to....uh.....adult....." Foretold the brunette. "Come on girls. We got this,"

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