Chapter 1: A Hard Day's Night

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I rushed in out of the cold, greeted by warmth and laughter. The heavy door behind left a rush of cold at my back, causing me to shiver. I found an empty seat at the end of the bar and sat down. The warn leather a familiar comfort after a job well done. The clock on the wall brought a smile to my face. At 10:47 I'd finished early tonight. Ellen greeted me with a knowing smile and handed me my usual, rum and coke, a splash of grenadine and two cherries on top. Per usual I'd finished the first one pretty fast and another was sat down in front of me before the glass ever touched the scuffed wood of the bar top. I nodded with gratitude as I took a small sip of my next drink. It was good to be back here. It had been a few months since I'd been back to Nebraska but it was always nice to come home.

I took another sip of my drink and plucked one of the cherries out. Absent-mindly I rolled it around on my tongue, the sweetness mixing pleasantly in my mouth with the bitterness of the rum. I sat and pondered my next move as the familiar warmth of the alcohol spread through my body. I smiled softly to myself, feeling pretty darn good about the night's events. "Maybe I won't call it an early night tonight," I said to myself as I downed the second drink in one smooth gulp. A third drink was slid my way and I rose to head to the jukebox, glass in hand. I popped a couple quarters in the machine and punched in the numbers to my favorite song. I took another sip as my hips began to sway to the music. Momentarily I set my drink down to sling my leather jacket over a nearby chair. Drink in hand, I took another sip and began to dance once again.

I heard the door swing open and glanced at Ellen to see the smile in her eyes. Boots shuffled closer behind me as I continued to dance to the music. "Boys," She greeted them warmly and pulled her best whiskey out from under the counter. There was only two people she greeted in such a manner. "Oh boy, I'm gonna need another drink," I sighed to myself and finished off my third glass of rum and coke. I could feel eyes on me as I continued to move my hips from side to side. "Mmmm, mmmm,mmmm. Lookin' good sweetheart." I turned to see none other then Sam Winchester sitting at the bar. He nodded and tipped his glass at me. "Hey Alex." I gave him small smile. "Sam." I set my glass down and Ellen stopped short before handing me another. "This atta be your last hun," she said quietly in a tone only a mother could pull off. I smiled guiltily as I reached for the glass. As I took another sip I eyed Winchester number two. "Dean." He smiled and maintained eye contact as he swiped a shot of whiskey from the bar.

I decided to take a seat next to Sam and we caught up for the next hour or so. He chuckled and produced a toothy smile as he looked me in the eyes. His boyish charm always made my heart melt. Sam excused himself to the restroom and I made my way back to the jukebox. I began to move my body once more and looked up as Dean made his way over to me. He was six shots in and looking pretty damn confident in himself. "Mind if I join you." I kept my eyes on him and continued to dance without response. Dean moved in closer and eyed the remaining cherry in my almost empty glass. "I'm not looking to share that Dean," I whispered as he looked upon me with hungry eyes. There had always been sexual tension between us but I never let it go any further then that. Seemed to me that rolling around with Dean Winchester was a dangerous game to play.

I backed up into the jukebox. Dean leaned against it with one hand, a cocky smile on his face. The light from the machine reflected in his green eyes and a small involuntary moan escaped my mouth. Dean raised an eyebrow and I could only imagine by the look on his face that he was currently undressing me with his eyes. Suddenly realizing just how much I'd had to drink I stepped away and excused myself to the ladies room. I passed Sam on the way and he smiled at me as he headed for the exit. "It was good to see you again Alex." He turned, "Dean, I'll be in the car." I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and splashed cold water on my face. "Damn, those eyes though." I said to myself as I gazed at my reflection. As I turned and walked out the door there stood Dean in the dimly lit hallway. His eyes lingered on me as though he was daring me to move closer to him. We both stood there in silence for a few moments before he finally made the first move. He sauntered towards me like a wolf to its prey.

I held my breath as he drew closer, placing his hand against the wall beside me. Dean's eyes locked with mine and I couldn't seem to look away. Maybe I shouldn't have finished that last drink. I knew this was a bad idea but I made no move to stop the situation from escalating. His gaze wondered to my lips and he brought his other hand to rest against my cheek. My stomach did flip flops as he closed in on me, inch by inch. His thumb moved to brush against my lip and I shuddered with hot anticipation. Dean's eyes locked with mine again as he moved in for the kill. His lips crashed against mine and I moaned audibly. The fire in my belly began to heat up. Before I knew it I had pulled him into me, pressing my chest firmly into his as we kissed. Dean's hands slid down my sides. Gripping my ass, he moved against me with a groan. I felt the hardness of his lust pressing against my body and I was close to completely losing myself. I so desperately wanted to give him his every desire. Someone nearby cleared their throat and my eyes snapped open. There stood Sam, his lips pressed together with one eyebrow raised. Dean pulled away with a guilty smile and ran his hand through the back of his hair. "You ready Dean?" Sam asked, his voice dripping with disappointment. Dean turned to me once more, "A pleasure as always Alex. " He gave me a wink and turned to walk away, leaving me red with embarrassment and abandoned in the back hallway of the bar.

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