Chapter 3: Prey

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I stood there in shock, my mouth agape. I couldn't seem to quite process what I had just witnessed. Looking down at the body of the woman with her hands still wrapped protectively around her belly, one single tear escaped my eye. I looked back up to Sam who suddenly stood much closer to me. He looked down upon me the way an adult would a small child. "You just..." My voice cracked and trailed off. My mind was in overdrive. Sam reached down and wiped the tear from my cheek. It would almost seem like a tender moment if his eyebrows had knotted up in concern. If he was.. Sam. I felt no compassion or warmth radiating off this man that stood in front of me. He made no move to comfort me but instead seemed to be studying me with some sort of cold curiosity. His hand still cupped my cheek as I spoke, "Sam.." He almost seemed as though he couldn't quite recognize who I was. Like, like I was nothing to him. Before I could formulate anything recognizable as a sentence his eyes shot down to the bloody mess around us and he was out the door in a flash. I slowly blinked as I took in my surroundings. "What in the hell just happened?" I whispered to myself. When I was finally able to move my legs felt like lead as I slowly trudged out the back door into the night.

I decided I would after all get a motel room for the night. What I needed after everything I just went through was a hot shower and a good night's sleep. I backed into the steaming water from the shower head and moaned as I felt the prickling heat from the water run down my bare shoulders. It was all I could do to keep it together and I just used my remaining energy to focus on the sensations running across my skin. I sighed softly again as I washed the last of the soap off my body. I glanced at my reflection as I got out, my dark hair still clung to the side of my face. My hazel eyes seemed dull and heavy with stress. After drying off I slipped on an oversized shirt and climbed into bed. In the silence of the night my mind began to wonder. Sam was indeed not himself but I couldn't rap my mind around what was so off about him. What could be causing him to so absolutely lack any emotion. Though I knew the hard choices that needed to be made at that last hunt I also knew that it was completely unlike Sam to so casually take the life of someone in that way. I tossed and turned as my eyelids drooped and I began to drift off into sleep.

I dreamt of a time when things were so very different. When the Winchester brothers were still together hunting things and I was pining over Sam. Though it was not accurately the past. It was the fantasy I had created for myself. Dean and I shared no awkward sexual tension, we were hunting partners and Sam had remained in college. He was now graduated and a damn fine lawyer. I would return home every weekend to the home we shared. He would catch up with his brother over a beer then head to our bedroom to make love late into the night. I awoke the next morning full of passion from the memories in my dreams. I swore I could still fill Sam's big strong hands caressing my breasts as his mouth wondered hungrily down my stomach. I let out a soft moan as I pinched at my nipple through my shirt. I longed to dive back into my dreams rather then face the reality of what I would have to face in the waking world.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes with a disappointing groan.. time to start the day. I checked out of the motel as quickly as I could and headed through the center of town. I pulled out my cell on the off chance Sam might have the same phone and answer my call. I tapped impatiently at my steering wheel as I turned into the small town square. No answer but the recording of a familiar voice echoed in my ear. I snapped the phone shut with a frown and threw it in my passenger seat. So he did still have that particular phone but it seemed as though he had no interest in talking to me. I pulled out to the other side of the square and spotted a gas station. I decided I better fill up while trying to figure out my next move. My heart was in my throat as I pumped the gas, seeing Sam's car pull in at the other end of the gas station. What were the odds. Normally I would of just ran up to him but I wasn't sure what to make of this new Sam. My skin prickled with anticipation and.. fear? I felt rooted to the spot.
Sam got out of his car and we locked eyes as he headed to the entrance of the convenient store. He stopped short of the door and seemed as though he was studying me. Sam opened his mouth to speak, "Alex." He said as though greeting me but there was no emotion behind his words. Before I could respond he looked away and headed into the gas station. I had paid at the pump so when I was finished I got back into my car. "Damnit Alex!" I punched the steering wheel in frustration. I knew I was too emotionally invested in this situation and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was determined more then ever to figure this out but had no idea what my next move was. I glanced through my window and watched as Sam pulled away from the gas station. I was desperate not to lose him but knew I should wait at least a moment or two before pulling my own car out onto the road. Once I felt he was a safe distance away I pulled onto the street and began to tail him. I had no idea how far I'd get before he noticed me and stopped to ask why I was following him but there seemed to be no other solution at this time.

We quickly left town and pulled out on the highway. It seemed we had been driving for a couple hours before I noticed traffic start to pick up. I hadn't really paid attention to where we were heading, it was all I could do to focus on not losing him. It was getting harder to keep up with him as the roads opened up to more lanes and I had to compete with other vehicles on the road. Before I knew it we passed a sign that read Welcome to Lincoln Nebraska. I watched as Sam pulled up to a motel on the outskirts of the city. I hung back across the street at a small diner. Absent-mindly I sipped on a cup of coffee and I watched his car. I planned to check in myself a safe distance away from his room the minute I watched him exit the motel parking lot. I had no clue what he was doing in Lincoln but all I was concerned about doing was not losing him.

I checked into my own room not 20 minutes later and paced in front of the open window. "This is so stupid Alex! What the hell are you doing? You're a hunter and you've somehow forgotten how to formulate any sort of plan!" I ended up retrieving a bottle of rum from my bag and poured myself a drink. I sat at the small rickety table in front of the window and took small sips as I got lost in my thoughts. When I snapped back out of it I realized the sun was setting and Sam's car was parked outside. I gulped down the rest of my drink and decided to snoop around to find out which room he was in. Before I could even open the door to my motel room I saw Sam suddenly marching to his car with supplies in hand. I immediately ducked and watched him load up. As soon as he jumped in his car and started the engine I ran out the door to follow him. Thank goodness it was nearly dark or he might of noticed me. We drove for the next 25 minutes or so and traffic picked up as we neared the middle of the city. I saw him parallel parking just up ahead and decide to grab a spot a couple cars ahead of me. The sun was completely set by the time I got out of my car and took care to follow him across the street without being noticed.

Sam made his way down a long alleyway and I momentarily hung back to see which way he was going. It must of split off somewhere because he suddenly disappeared from my line of sight. I cautiously approached the alley and began to walk down it with my eyes peeled. Halfway down the alley I noticed an inlet on either side of the walls with dumpsters in them. Sam was nowhere to be found. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself. I hesitantly stepped forward to keep moving down the alley when I suddenly heard someone approach me from behind. Before I could turn to look or even prepare myself for a possible attack I was grabbed from behind. Panic rose in my gut, threatening to erupt from my throat. I swallowed hard as long arms held me firmly against them. One arm holding my arms to my sides in a vice like grip while the other snaked up my body to rap large fingers around my throat.

"Why are you following me Alex?" Sam's voice came across in a deep whisper. Although slightly relieved it wasn't some random psychopath I still had no idea what this new version of Sam was capable of. My muscles tensed up as I opened my mouth to speak. "I.. I didn't get a chance to thank you for the assist last night Sam." His grip remained firm. "No need, I was just doing my job. Same as you. I'd like to get back to work though Alex." He did not release me as he spoke though his grip on my throat loosened a bit. "I hear ya Sam, it's just that.." "I don't have to time to socialize or take an evening stroll through the city. Why don't you head on outta here and leave me to my work." His thumb suddenly wondered up to stroke my jaw and I felt the heat of his breath as his lips neared my ear. When he began to speak again, it caused shivers to run down my spine. "Maybe we could get together later.. if you're still interested." I drew in a sharp breath as his face moved back and he breathed in deeply. Is he.. smelling me right now? My stomach did flip flops and I closed my eyes. This felt dangerous but I couldn't seem to control the reaction my body was having to his touch. Sam's long torso was pressed firmly against me and his hand around my waist suddenly broke free and grazed ever so slightly against the side of my breast. The fire ignited in my belly, glowing with anticipation. I felt the hardness of his manhood began to awaken against the small of my back and my legs grew weak. "Mmmm.. you smell good." Before I could respond he released me and I was suddenly shrouded in the chill of disappointment. "Maybe another time Alex. I've got a job to finish." He locked eyes with me but for a moment before retreating down the other end of the alleyway.

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