Chapter 9: Resignation

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I looked up into the night sky as my phone rang in my ear. I was imagining what might happen to me if I didn't make it through the whole ordeal and it almost didn't register that Dean had picked up already on the other end. His voice seemed like an echo calling me from somewhere far away. I didn't snap out of it until he called my name. "Alex! Are you there?" My voice cracked as I summoned the courage to speak. "Dean?" "What's going on Alex? PLEASE.. I can't help you if you don't talk to me." I listened in on our conversation almost as if I was a third person eavesdropping. I had no idea where to begin. "You were right Dean. I've been such a fool.. I can't do this by myself!" I screamed into the phone, battling with myself to get the words to come out. "It's okay Alex. Tell me where you are." "Memphis.." I whispered, my voice going horse. "I can be there by tomorrow morning. I need you to hang on Alex. I'm not gonna lose anyone else, ya hear?"

His care and concern caused new emotion to come pouring out of me in waves. The regret was heavy. I suddenly felt dirty and uncomfortable in my own skin. "I'm so sorry Dean!" Sobs racked my body as I finally let go of everything I'd been holding in the last so many months. "I don't understand.. why would you be sorry?" I could hear the roar of his engine in the background. Dean was already on his way. "It's Sam." I swore I heard him gulp through the phone, likely trying to process the new information. The seconds felt agonizing as I waited for him to respond. "What the hell do you mean Alex?" "He's back Dean.. Sam is back from the cage and something is very wrong with him! I need you to.. your brother is in trouble. It's time to come back into the fold Dean Winchester. " I felt him sigh, his emotional restraint was almost painful. "Send me your coordinates," he ordered in a cold tone and hung up before I could say anymore.

Dean could be angry with me for the rest of my life. My only regret that I didn't tell him sooner. I wiped my eyes and resolved myself to do my best to keep Sam close until help could arrive. With one last longing gaze into the stars, I stepped out of my vehicle to face whatever fate awaited in the hotel looming before me. I'd come this far, surely I could hold him off until Dean arrived in the morning.
I slowly made my way into the hotel entryway and through the lobby. I held my breath with nervous energy as I made my way to the elevators. Punching in the number to the correct floor, my shoulders sagged as the elevator doors closed in front of me. I watched as the numbers on the screen climbed, growing nearer to my destination.

"I may have been wrong about not bringing Dean in to begin with," a gravely voice spoke up from behind me. "Damnit Castiel!" I back against the wall of the elevator and grabbed my chest in surprise. He looked over at me, perplexed by my reaction. "Maybe warn a girl huh?" His eyebrows knotted in concern. "I thought it best we speak alone before you arrive at Sam's hotel room. It would be good to have a plan before my official arrival."
"It's been a hell of a day Castiel. I'm sure he'll stay long enough to be here in the morning for Dean to get here. Could you just stay out of sight for tonight and we can address this in the morning?" The angel looked as though he was heavily considering disagreeing with me then thought better of it. "I will stay out of sight for now and keep an eye on everything. If it looks as though Sam is thinking about leaving I will have to intervene sooner." I yawned as the elevator finally stopped. "I understand Castiel. Thank you. " I got out and began walking down thehallway, he made no move to follow me but said one last thing before the doors closed. "You've done well Alex." I winced at the compliment, still feeling a little emotional after calling Dean. Taking a deep breath, I knocked in Sam's hotel room door.

He looked down at me and nodded, not uttering a word as he moved to allow me to enter the room. Sam grabbed a bottle of rum and poured himself a glass then held the bottle out to ask if I wanted a drink. I shook my head yes and sat down on the edge of the bed. I heard the clinking sound of ice landing in an empty glass and let out a breath. It was too damn quiet in here. Sam poured some rum the handed me the glass. "Thanks," I said with a tight smile and took a long gulp of the clear liquid. I licked my lips as the burn of the alcohol coated the back of my throat. Sam watched me for a moment before breaking the silence. "I'm gonna hop in the shower. Wanna join me?" He reached over and wiped a smudge of soot from my face. "Oh.. I'm not sure I've got the energy for all that," I took another sip of my drink and my gaze fell to the floor. He shrugged and turned towards the bathroom. The warmth of his touch lingered on my skin and I almost regretted turning his offer down.

I sat there for a few more minutes before walking over to the sink to wash my face. Already I was feeling a little better as the cold water hit my face. I changed into an oversize t-shirt, throwing my boots and jeans into the corner of the room. I was just finishing up brushing my teeth as Sam opened the bathroom door. I swallowed hard as he walked out in just a towel, remnants of water glistening on his bare chest. A fleeting whisp of pleasure struck me low in the belly as I tried to hide my thoughts from his knowing gaze. I shifted away from him and backed into a small section of wall just past the sink. A smile broke out in the corner of his mouth and he approached me. "I'm not gonna bite Alex." He was suddenly pressed against me with his hand at my jaw. "Unless that's what you want."

I looked up into his eyes and gasped, feeling the pleasure in my stomach grow as he leaned in closer. Still cupping my jaw he pulled me in for a kiss, smothering a moan as it tried to escape my open mouth. His other hand wandered over the fabric of my shirt and rubbed against my nipple, causing it to harden as goosebumps ran down my side. He broke away suddenly to look me in the eyes, as though he was searching for something. "Sam.." I whispered longingly. "You really look like you could use some sleep Alex. " He stepped back, releasing me from his grasp. I let out a sigh, "Yeah, I suppose I do." Sam went to the corner of the room and dropped his towel to put on a pair of jeans. I averted my eyes and faced the wall as I climbed into bed. I looked back once to see Sam setting up his laptop at the table. He glanced my way only for a moment, "See you in the morning Alex." Sam turned away and I closed my eyes, hoping I'd be able to catch at least a couple hours of sleep before Dean arrived in the morning. Lord knows I was going to need the energy for what was to come.

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