Chapter 11: Family Reunion

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Sam's grip softened slightly, likely caught off guard by the unexpected visitor. "Dean." The tension in the air seemed crackle as I felt Sam's body become ridged behind me. I'd wager that for the first time since escaping the cage, Sam was suddenly unsure of himself. Dean walked further into the room after attempting to shut the mangled remains of the hotel room door behind him. A guilty look slipped across his face as he processed the impulsive destruction he had caused. He he put his hands up as he moved closer, keeping a close eye on the knife at my throat. "I just wanna talk Sammy." Sam backed up further into the room, pulling me into his body protectively. Great, I thought to myself. Now I'm a human shield. I gulped and Dean stopped in his tracks. "Sam, let go of Alex. Nobody here is going to hurt you. Come on man."

I felt the tip of the blade move away from my throat as Sam seemed to be considering what to do. He suddenly let out a long breath and released me. I ran towards the other side of the room and turned to face him. Dean turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eyes. "Alex, you okay?" I only nodded in confirmation but kept my eyes on Sam. Dean approached Castiel. "Cas, it's good to see you." He looked from the angel to his brother. "Tell me what's going on here. Guys, everyone relax. Let's talk." Dean sat in a chair next to the bed, Castiel in the chair opposite him and Sam across from them on the edge of the bed. I decided I was likely safer where I was at and remained standing by the sink just outside the bathroom. Dean looked to the angel, queing him to explain what was going on.

"I was the one that pulled Sam from the cage. I had expected him to come straight to you. When he didn't, I thought it best just to keep an eye on him. I became concerned with his behavior. That he was hunting again didn't surprise me. It was the ruthlessness and brutality that became concerning. He wasn't really saving people just.. hunting with no regard for the destruction he left in his wake. After a few months I was going to come straight to you Dean but.. you looked so happy with Lisa and Ben that I didn't want to take that away from you. That's where Alex comes in.." Dean suddenly turned to me. I guess it was my turn. I took a deep breath, trying to summon the courage to tell him everything. Well.. almost everything. Sam eyed me wearily as I began to speak. I decided maintaining eye contact with Dean was the better option.
"I had heard news from other hunters that Sam was not only back but he was acting strangely. He was acting in a way that scared everyone. I couldn't believe what I was hearing or that it was even possibly he'd returned but I had to find out for myself. I treated it like any other case and soon enough I'd caught up with him. I saw with my own eyes the brutality and efficiency with which he was hunting. I almost couldn't believe it. When I lost his trail up north I made my way to Saint Louis and that's where I met Castiel. He told me where I could find Sam and that I was possibly the only person that could get through to him. I made my way to Memphis and ran into him at the bar a couple of night ago. Ended up hanging out and I spent the night observing his behavior. It was like, he was someone else in Sam's body..." Sam interrupted me with a chuckle and spoke under his breath. "Observing me huh?" Dean shot a look from Sam back to me again. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and cleared my throat, looking away guiltily before continuing.

"The next day he showed me a vamp nest he'd been scoping out for a few days. He'd explained to me he believed there was also hostages inside the place, a family with children. He asked if I wanted in and I agreed but thought we better discuss a plan that didn't involve leaving no survivors. He asked me to meet him for lunch and I left. Only realizing later that he'd taken the opportunity to get the job done himself." My voice cracked as I remembered the events of yesterday. "By the time I got there the entire building was up in flames..not a survivor in sight. That's when I realised I was in over my head. Dean, that's when I called you.." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again and quickly turned away, avoiding his gaze. Dean gave me a sympathetic look then turned to Sam this time, waiting for him to explain his side of the events of the past year or so.

"When I first came topside I knew I was different Dean. I chalked it up to having spent time in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. I brushed it off and immediately began looking for you. The first night I was back I found you having dinner at Lisa's. You looked content Dean and I hesitated to interrupt that.. family thing you had going on." Dean spoke up immediately, "Sammy if I would have known man." "Dean, I went to a hotel that night and got to thinking about it. I realized the best thing I could do was get back to the job and I knew pulling you away wasn't the best idea. You wouldn't of been in the game. I'm blowing through cases Dean. I've killed more monsters in the past year then I've done in a decade. I'm not tired or hungry. I don't need to sleep." "Sam, that's not normal. Did it ever occur to you there might be something off about that?" Dean lifted an eyebrow, his I know better big brother tone shaping his words.

Castiel suddenly spoke up, "I don't think I brought his soul back when I pulled Sam from the cage." Dean looked over at him in alarm. "His soul? How does that even happen?" "I have a way to check but it will be quite painful." He looked over at Sam with concern in his eyes. Dean looked back and forth between the angel and his brother. He opened his mouth but Sam interjected. "I don't know about that.." "Sam, let Cas do his thing. We can't come up with a plan if we don't determine what is really wrong here." Sam sighed and propped his hand up on his knee. "Let's get this over with then." Castiel walked over to Sam and indicated for him to lay back on the bed. He looked up at the angel wearily then over to his brother. Dean nodded at him and Sam reluctantly laid back. Castiel dawned a look of serious concentration and reach towards Sam's chest. With a glow of golden light he seemed to reach into his chest, digging around as if he was looking for something. Sam yelled out in pain, without hesitation I moved towards him protectively. Dean immediately stood and gripped my shoulders. I turned to look at him. "He's hurting him Dean!" "He'll be okay Alex." I winced as Sam yelled out again, obviously in immense pain. After what felt like eternity, Castiel retreated slowly from Sam's chest cavity. He immediately turned to Dean, a look of grave concern etched in his eyes. "Castiel, what did you find." It's what I didn't find Dean. He has no soul." Dean looked down at Sam then back at the angel, a bewildered look in his eyes. "Well then go back down to the cage and get it out Cas!" "It's not that simple Dean. There's no telling what kind of condition it's in. His soul has been in the cage an entire year with Lucifer and Michael."
Dean brought his hand to his temple, shutting his eyes in frustration. "We'll figure this out. There has got to be a way Castiel." He looked over at his brother. It didn't happen often but I could tell just how scared he was. The love for his brother was evident in his tone as he spoke up again. "We'll figure this out Sam. We always do." Castiel suddenly looked distracted, as if he was listening in on something none of us could hear. "I have to go." "Right now Cas? I need your help." "Heaven is at war Dean. I'll see what I can dig up as soon as I can." And just like that Castiel vanished once again. Sam walked over to the mini fridge by the closet and pulled out a beer for each of us. Handing then off, he sat down on the bed and took a swig of his own. Sam shrugged, "You might just have to learn how to live with me this way." "Like hell I will Sam." Dean pointed a finger at Sam, gatting ready to grill him as only a big brother could.

Suddenly Dean's phone rang. He looked down to see Lisa's name on the caller ID. "Lisa, everything okay?" I could faintly hear the sound of an adolescent boy on the other end. He sounded panicked. "Just calm down Ben. I'll be there as soon as I can." Dean hung up the phone after a few moments, looking between Sam and I as if he was struggling between whether to stay or to go. "Can we help Dean?" I asked hesitantly. He looked back to his brother then to me again. "Why don't you two hang tight. I'm sure it's gotta be nothing right?" Dean almost seemed to be pleading with me, asking for reassurance. "It's okay Dean, we'll be okay. Go. Make sure they're okay." Dean's eyes glistened as he fought to hold back his emotions. Just like that he was out the door and gone once again.

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