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Fizz was asleep at the time for being disassembled and the first time seeing Ozzie. He was confused when he started to wake up. He started to panic as he looked around at all the other performers getting loaded up into some beautifully colored loading trucks. He however was so scared he couldn't speak.

" Oh him, that's fizzarolli one of my favorites do be careful with him" Mamon says looking at what fizzarolli couldn't see as he locked eyes with a rooster? " If he is one of your favorites mamon, why is he so hurt?"the rooster  says looking at fizzarolli's boss " I found him like that he doesn't really like to talk" fizzarolli tried to not listen to them as he tried to find his arms and legs once he did he had to figure out a way to get them and put them on. The rooster was getting upset with Mamon but he did look at fizzarolli then handed him the arms and legs off the top of the cage. He helped fizzarolli put on the first one then fizzarolli backed up away from the rooster and put the others on " hey, I won't hurt you " the rooster sounded honest but fizzarolli stayed quiet as he was loaded up in the next truck then taken out of greed. He watches the landscaping change. He got on his knees and held on to the bars looking confused on where he was going. All of the other trucks traveled everywhere but this one has the rooster in it

Ozzie was watching suddenly at fizzarolli " ah so he can move... Driver to my house every one else can wait at the facilities " Ozzie was taking notes about  this fizzarolli  " yes sir"  the driver says then takes them to Ozzie's home.

Fizzarolli looked at all the cars once they where in lust he was so uncomfortable and tried to hide in the corner of the cage he was in using his tail to make himself small. Then he noticed they were heading to the castle of lust ' what did manom do? I don't want to be here.... This so far off of what I wanted...' fizzarolli thinks.

The truck pulled to a stop outside the front door of the castle and the rooster got out then carefully picked up the cage and took him inside " manom gave me the key to let you out just wait a little bit I need to get you to your room" the rooster says then took him down so many turns fizzarolli got confused " here we are, you'll need your rest so we can give you better prospects. " The rooster says then looked at the outfit fizzarolli was wearing " and something more.... Comfortable." The rooster says looking at the clothes that represented greed the red and the green themes did not match the environment he was in now. The rooster had his other imps get some clothes and making them comfortable.

Fizzarolli was so lost he didn't know what was happening once the cage was unlocked and opened he just sat there. He knew if he stood right now everything would be very shaky as the prosthetics weren't on properly. " You can come out if you want this is your new home I'm asmodeus the king of lust but you can call me oz what's your name?" The roos- ah er oz says looking at fizzarolli he didn't say anything but he did use sign language. ' manom sold me?' " oh uhhhhh hang on " oz says leaning out of the door and calling someone in here. " He's using sign language I don't really know sign language all that much can you tell me what he said?" He had called in another imp who looked at fizzarolli he expecting him to repeat what he had signed as his hearing was slightly damaged from the explosion at the circus. ' manom sold me?' the imp says as fizzarolli signs " oh no, he wants me to make dolls out of you out of your image..." Oz answers surprisingly honestly which took fizzarolli by surprise. ' oh... Why were we taking in cages here?'  the imp says looking genuinely concerned as well. " That I'm not too sure he has a bit of theatrics years didn't look that comfortable are you okay and your shoulders bleeding...." Oz says in a genuinely concerned and caring voice making the gesture look at his arm. ' I'm fine .. it's old blood these prosthetics aren't the best but they're what I have wait you said I was getting new prosthetics I can't do that I can't be indebted to you I'm already indebted to manom. I'm sorry I can't accept them' the impetus speak quickly as the signs were getting frantic and shaky. " Baby steps then, we won't get you ready for surgery for now but since you're going to be here and I'm going to need you by my side I will come and check on you everyday okay? " Fizzarolli looked at him then looked at the other end and just kind of nodded slightly. 'okay...' a few other succubuses came in and brought the clothes and a few other things that oz had asked them to such as bedding and such for the room. ' why are you doing all of this?' fizzarolli asks moving aside letting everyone into the room it was pretty big but it was still not as big as Oz's " one because I absolutely hate Mamon and is ugly color combinations no offense." Oz says then made himself smaller so everyone could fit in better once the room was completely furnished and blankets and everything he helped fizzarolli out of the cage before making the cage disappear. He couldn't help but notice when he first touched fizzarolli that he flinched and tried to pull away from him. " All right we'll leave you alone for now if you need anything here" the rooster says handing over a mirror with a little Oz on it it was a heart-shaped compact. " It's got an alarm system just in case you ever need anything just look at it.  We should leave you alone for the night though that way you can get comfortable. Once your change though you will not be getting those clothes back... There ugly " oz says getting a crack of what would have been a smile out of fizzarolli ' that they are and thank you your highness you didn't have to do anything like this but I really appreciate it. ' once everyone had left the room besides fizz he looked around at everything cautiously going over every detail that was added into the room then over to the pajamas. He was quick to change and the clothes were quickly to be discarded as well he threw them in the trash that was connected to a furnace but he didn't know that. He took off some of the blankets from the bed and ended up crawling under the bed using his tail to curl around and grab a pillow but other than that he slept on the floor not removing the prosthetics for the time being. He shut off the light and went back to bed before completely falling asleep.

how it began, Ozzy x fizzyWhere stories live. Discover now