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Fizzarolli continued to sleep in oz's big fluffy hair, oz did try to wake him so he could eat but he wasn't able to wake him so he gave up and took fizzarolli to his room and bed. In the morning fizzarolli woke up and saw that he was surrounded in baby blue hair. He was gently moving around so oz didn't wake up. Once he was free from the hair he had another problem. Oz had grabbed him and rolled away from the door so fizzarolli was now trapped. He panicked a little bit as he carefully tried to get free. he didn't like feeling trapped. He looked around trying to figure out a way to get away from oz.

That's when he saw the bedframe and tried to reach it. The prosthetics couldn't really make it to the frame. Fizzarolli started to panic and oz Started to wake up to a very anxious jester " fizzarolli?" He asks his voice as sweet as honey showing full concerns " are you-" oz was cut off by the fear in fizzarolli's eyes " i-i- am s-sorry l-let me g-go" fizzarolli says showing his uneasy. oz roll on his back holding the other so he did not get crushed then let he go " there you can go " fizzarolli ran out of the room and back to his own making  sure to lock the door before pressing his back to it and sliding down and hugging his legs as he tried to calm down.

Taking big deep breaths fizzarolli tried to stop shaking and crying using his tail to remind himself that he was safe then wrapped it around himself trying to soothe himself. Covering his ears with his Shakey hands mentally yelling at himself for making oz worried. Then he started spiraling ' oh no what if Oz tells mamon about this' ' I can't believe I fell asleep.' ' what would blitzø think?' ' oh your so pathetic' ' don't gain weight Mamon won't be happy '

Oz got dressed quickly then tried to find out where fizzarolli had gone to. he didn't really think he could have ran all the way to his room " have you seen fizzarolli?" He asked his staff and they all pointed to the way he went. turning a bit smaller, he lightly knocked on the door. Fizzarolli  didn't respond but it was clear he was there as then light was on and the jester's bells could be heard from within the room running off somewhere and shutting a door to oz it was unclear what fizzarolli was doing.

He tried the handle but saw it was locked. Oz looked very worried but didn't want to invade fizzarolli's privacy so he left. He didn't see fizzarolli for the next few days, not until one imp came and told him that they had to take fizzarolli to sloth. 

Oz dropped everything and went to sloth to see him using a disguise so he wouldn't get stormed by paparazzi. He told  them who he was there to see but was told he was in surgery and won't be able to have visitors for awhile. Oz waited 5 hours until they told him he was able to see fizzarolli. They took him to the hospital room and let oz sit down next to the bed " a head wrap?" " His hat was dirty so we are washing it " the doctor says " he got upgraded prosthetics but that's not why he was brought here " the doctor looked at the clip board " where did you meet fizzarolli sir?"

" Mamons he wants me to make dolls for him in fizzarolli's image why?" Oz asks worried a bit " because sir.... He is severely under weight and he had a panic attack for a while before he came here we had to put him out before  the ambulance could take him " the doctor says then looked  at Oz " keep him away from Mamon sir and help show him he is safe" oz looked at fizzarolli for a few minutes then said " thanks doc, and I won't let him out of my ring " " unless medicine, sir " " yes unless medicine, now any idea when he will walk up?"

" A few more hours, I'm sorry sir " the doctor said then put the clip board back from where he got it " I should be going now " then the doctor leaves oz and fizzarolli alone

It was another 5 or so hours before fizzarolli started to wake up. oz was taking a power nap. Oz was holding fizzarolli's new hand he was in his small form and had his head on fizzarolli's lap. Fizzarolli moved a little bit and looked around the hospital room very drowsy. He reaches up and rubs his head ' what happened? Where am i?' fizzarolli this is then looked at his hand and jumped a little bit waking up oz " fizz?" Oz asks looking at him sleepy. " I-i have new hands?" " Yeah ... I paid for them so you could be comfortable when you perform you have new legs too" oz explained " i-i was fine with the old ones y-you didn't even ask m-me if I wanted new ones!" Fizzarolli genuinely got upset at this though he soon realized who he was talking to " s-sorry sir..." He says really  hoping the other didn't yell at him for being so disrespectful.

Oz smiled a bit at the reaction and with a soft and caring voice as gently as his touch. " Your fine fizzarolli, you should be able to be upset with what happened I'm sorry you shouldn't have gotten them so soon tho I was going to talk to you about it first but you didn't come back for a few days then taken here and they just did it " his own frustration showed a little bit but not to fizzarolli to the hospital staff.

" Are you okay though? I was worried a little bit " Oz asks fizzarolli looking so cutely concerned. "i-im fine.. this wouldn't get back to mamon right?" Fizz asks so worried " what? No Mamon has no business here he shouldn't  have any more of you than you want him to have. " Oz sounds like just the thought of that greedy guy pissed him off. Oz then refocus  on fizzarolli " why didn't you talk before?" He asks fizzarolli just looked at the new hands but didn't say anything he was shaking again " hey, you're safe from him " Oz says taking fizzarolli's hand making fizz blink a little bit and look at him cutely making the lusty man himself get flustered for once

how it began, Ozzy x fizzyWhere stories live. Discover now