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I'd take the ghost of you. I'd take any form of you. I'd watched the windows for your silhouette. I watch the curtains for the momentary visit of your shadows. And as I stood by in front of our house, with the bustling fire incinerating inside me since your passing, I stood there and waited and watched your shadows. And you weren't there anymore but I was hoping you were. And I'd joke about seeing you, but I was wishing I would. And I miss you most of the days, but I try not to think about it. And I remember you in the foods I eat, and the emptiness and the hollow, and sometimes I wish you were here to help me once again, get through the day.

And I miss you. The curtains no longer flutter when the wind passes by, I watch for your silhouette. People who have the same complexion as you don't remind me of you anymore. And time goes by and I pretend I'm not grieving. I pretend I don't miss you. And as I go to sleep I wish I'd wake up to your presence again.

"If you could bring back someone from the dead, who would it be?" I wouldn't. I wouldn't. No matter how desperate my heart clings to the remnants of you, I wouldn't. Because you wished to not be here and so I, I respect that. But I wanted you to be here. I beg the heavens all the time, I wanted you to be here. And it gets hard a little, that I fall apart once I find myself wishing. And all the apologies to me because they couldn't bring you back to me. Because it is inevitable, and I am forever left missing you. 

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