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I dreamt about the sea, the blue, the deep, the hightide. I dreamt about the concaves and the sharp edges of stones, of the trenches deep within my reach. I dreamt about the slippery walls of algaes and the rain, and the sand wasn't white, and I was there with the ocean. It stretched out before my eyes, the water shimmered, the water's blue, the water's there and I screamed "I wanted to swim ''. And so I ran down from the safe. I was sitting with my family on a platform away from the sea, but I ran down screaming my desire of wanting to be in that deep. So I treaded the way onto the ocean, onto the slippery slopes of the steeps, of the concaves, I was happy, I was screaming, I was there. The water's blue, it is deep, but I would gladly swim in it. Something within me swells up when the ocean is just within my reach, something within me screams of going home. So I ran, I ran and I woke up and I wasn't sad from waking up, I dreamt of something I know so familiarly and something within me felt safe and I am home. 

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