part 15 return to balmera part 2

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The paladin's quickly changed into their paladin's armor and want to their lion's.

"You think the balmera will have a parade for us after we've freed them?" Asked Lancer from his lion, Sora heard that then she saw Lance appeared on her screen, just then Keith also appeared.
"It's not about the glory, Lance, it's about freeing the prisoners from zarkon!" Said Keith
"No I know I know but still when they... " lance wasn't  able to finish because his lion launched to space.
Then everyone followed lance towards the balmera, it didn't take long for them to see the main generator.

The galra defense lights up and shoots lasers at them, as they got closer to the generator.

"This is it, get your head's in the game, remember, the balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only the galra installations and not it's surface"said Shiro while he dodged the lasers.

They split up ready to take on their individual mission.
" initiating cloak "said pidge she activated the invisibility cloak making green lion invisible.

Sora took out her chains and Lola was ready to go out of the white lion" ready Lola"said Sora as she looked at the screen looking at Lola who was waiting for the mouth to open so she can go out, Lola barked, Sora opened the lions mouth and Lola flew out and immediately started to shoot her feather attack at the galra defense destroying them.

The red, blue and yellow lions flew towards the base and began firing lasers from the lions tail and mouth at the generator and taking out some of the spires.

Sora was using her chains to catch anything that falls that could hurt the balmera and destroy some more defenses crushing them.

Hunk rammed his lion into the side of the base, crushing them with plenty of force.

Suddenly one side of the generator exploded it was the black lions doing.

"All the sensor's delivered!" Pidge informed them. The red Lion flew towards the base of the cannon that was aiming for the white lion and opened its mouth firing an intense beam of pure fire lava, the beam melted the cannon base, reducing it to melted metal,

"Whoa! Did you guys just see that?I got fire power!" Keith exclaimed excitedly.

"You were amazing Keith" said Sora praising him making him blush and proud of himself.

"Hey! I want that!" Lance groaned.

"Oh no!" The cannon began to fall without the lower support. The yellow lion quickly flew under the cannon to keep it from falling and hurting the balmera.

"Hey we can't let this thing hurt the balmera" hunk said struggling to keep the cannon in place and away from the surface suddenly he felt the weight wasn't heavy anymore he looked up and saw chains hold the cannon from falling down.
"Thanks Sora" said hunk relieve
"No problem hunk" said Sora "but it needs cool down a bit"

"I think my lion knows what to do" lance said flying his lion closer to the cannon the lion opened his mouth and fired an ice beam and freezing the cannon in place.

"Aw, snow! These rays are super cool. Just like me!" Said lance.

They all gather at the top of the now frozen base cannon.
"Great job, team!" Shiro praised

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