In the soft glow of her mother's house, Jade West sat at her vanity, her cherubic face reflecting in the mirror that doubled as her desk. The room held a hushed stillness as Jade, with a sense of quiet determination, began compiling her list. The list that whispered of things she yearned to achieve before the final curtain fell.

Her pale fingers traced the lines of her desires on paper, each word etching a plea for significance. She yearned for a genuine connection, a reason to stay in a world that seemed to pay her existence no mind. The whispers in her mind danced like phantoms, reinforcing the belief that she was but a space-filler, an unnecessary occupant in a world that spun without acknowledging her presence.

Jade's gaze lingered on the stolen pills concealed in her nightstand-a secret pact with a fate she felt compelled to embrace. As she meticulously planned her own escape, her murmurs to the empty room became a haunting melody of resignation, a siren's song that echoed with the desire to be seen, to matter.

And then there were the names etched onto her list, each carrying a promise of an ephemeral connection that, in her heart, she hoped would transcend her impending departure. Beck Oliver, a handsome enigma that stirred something within her; she craved the touch of his lips, a first kiss that would mark the brief moment when she truly felt alive.

Andre Harris, a musical prodigy whose talent beckoned her toward a world of melodies. In the quiet recesses of her heart, she yearned to sing with him, to weave her voice into the tapestry of his artistry, if only to leave behind a note of her existence.

Jade's dreams were woven with threads of love, a love untainted by the shadows of her parents' arranged union. As she gazed into the mirror, the reflection of a girl yearning for answers stared back. Unanswered questions echoed in her mind, and through the dreamy haze, Jade sought solace in the inked promises of her list, a map to fleeting moments of brilliance.

In the stillness of the room, Jade West, a silent dreamer, wrestled with shadows, the weight of her thoughts echoing in the quiet corners of her mother's house.

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