As the echoes of the auditions lingered in the air, Sikowitz found himself ruminating on Jade's unexpected and compelling performances. He sought a moment of quiet reflection in the bustling corridors of Hollywood Arts.

Leaning against a nearby wall, Sikowitz ran a hand over his beard, his gaze fixated on the floor. His thoughts swirled in a whirlpool of contemplation. The auditions—particularly Jade's—had caught him off guard, provoking a sliver of excitement within the depths of his eccentric demeanor.

"I must say, quite the surprise, wouldn't you agree?" Sikowitz's gravelly voice cut through the hushed conversation he was having with a fellow faculty member. They stood by the water cooler, exchanging nods of acknowledgment.

His colleague, a bespectacled individual with an air of wisdom, offered a measured response. "Indeed, Sikowitz. Jade's auditions have certainly sparked some conversation among the staff. Quite unanticipated, but undeniably captivating."

Sikowitz nodded sagely, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "There's an unpolished brilliance about her. A raw talent that's waiting to be honed and shaped into something remarkable."

The other faculty member inclined his head in agreement. "It's a curiosity, isn't it? How she's been lurking in the shadows all this time, and suddenly, she emerges with such fervor."

"We mustn't dismiss it as mere chance," Sikowitz mused, twirling a strand of his beard in contemplation. "We owe it to Jade to explore her potential further. A little guidance, perhaps."

The faculty member hummed in acknowledgment, his lips curved in a thoughtful expression. "I'll keep an eye on her progress. An uncut gem like Jade West might just surprise us all."

As they parted ways, Sikowitz found himself wandering the corridors, his mind mulling over strategies to nurture Jade's newfound zeal. A glimmer of anticipation danced in his eyes. He contemplated how to steer her theatrical journey toward the light he sensed simmering within her.

(ON HOLD) jade decides to die → victoriousWhere stories live. Discover now