Jade's sanctuary within the confines of her room became a haven of scripts and papers, the air saturated with the tangible anticipation of her impending auditions. Words sprawled across pages like the fluid strokes of an artist's brush, each line a brushstroke painting the contours of Amanda and Laura from "The Glass Menagerie." It was a clandestine war waged silently, a crescendo of emotions and aspirations—each internalized word a step toward her goal.

Her nights were dedicated to this purpose, her thoughts consumed by the essence of Tennessee Williams' characters. Her bedroom morphed into a dimly lit stage, with the corners illuminated by scattered notes and the soft glow of her desk lamp—the only audience to her unwavering resolve.

She scrutinized Amanda's character, embodying the vivacity of her personality, her speech, her gestures. The ardent determination Amanda held to cling onto memories of a bygone era, Jade mirrored in her meticulous preparations. It was a symbiotic relationship—Jade seeking refuge in the character's resolute façade, Amanda finding a voice through Jade's audacious portrayal.

Laura, Amanda's delicate daughter, came next, her character resonating deeply within Jade. The pensive atmosphere of the Wingfield household, the fragile beauty of Laura's unspoken emotions, danced between the lines of the play. Jade sought to manifest Laura's fragility, her shy demeanor, and her underlying strength—an intricate tapestry of emotions she weaved within herself.

Jade rehearsed ceaselessly, her voice resonating through the solitude of her room as she recited lines, exploring the depths of Amanda and Laura's personas. Her voice soared, echoed, and at times wavered—a raw manifestation of her dedication. Her movements became graceful, adopting the subtle limp and the gentle gestures characteristic of Laura, mirroring her vulnerability.

In the soft glow of the early hours, Jade's meticulous preparation transformed her room into a silent theater of aspirations. Every word uttered, every gesture made, was a step closer to manifesting the timeless characters from Williams' play.

The characters seeped into her essence, intertwining with her own aspirations. Amanda's determination reflected Jade's resolve, while Laura's fragile vulnerability echoed Jade's hidden depths. For every gesture, every line rehearsed, Jade was inching closer to the stage, her heart throbbing in anticipation of the coming auditions.

Silence lingered momentarily, the weight of Jade's unexpected audition settling in the air like an unspoken challenge. The room seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the unprecedented turn in the tale of Jade West—the enigmatic figure, the silent observer, now stepping onto the stage.

Tori's gaze flickered between the stage and Beck, her curiosity piqued by the surprise Jade's appearance had elicited. She leaned toward Beck, whispering in a hushed tone, "Did you know about this?"

Beck shook his head, his eyes fixed on the stage where Jade had just given a compelling portrayal of Laura. "No idea," he murmured back, an air of intrigue coloring his voice.

Tori turned her attention back to the stage, observing Jade with newfound interest as she moved gracefully, embodying Amanda's mannerisms and essence. Cat, who had been equally surprised by Jade's presence, sat in quiet awe, her admiration evident in her wide-eyed expression.

Robbie furrowed his brows, mulling over the unexpected turn of events. "She's really going for it."

The audible whispers and exchanged glances from the gang underscored the enigma that was Jade West. Her performances had left an indelible mark, an impression that reverberated through the auditorium, where the air crackled with a newfound intrigue.

Sikowitz, intrigued yet unsurprised by Jade's audacity, observed with a knowing nod. His eyes sparkled with a hidden satisfaction, acknowledging the depth and potential he had long sensed within Jade.

The atmosphere held a charged energy, a silent acknowledgment of the unforeseen twist in Jade's narrative, and the prospect of her breathing life into the timeless characters of Williams' play.

As Jade's steps receded from the stage, the anticipation in the room lingered—an unspoken testament to the revelation that was Jade West. The air held the echo of her presence, thick with unspoken wonderment and the tantalizing potential of her stepping into the roles of Williams' characters.

(ON HOLD) jade decides to die → victoriousWhere stories live. Discover now