Sad, dark, and alone.

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With his short life, he never believed he'd be remembered.

Not until he opened his eyes and realised – to his dismay – that he had become a ghost.

It wasn't as if he were alone, there were other people who had passed away due to the cult.

But they were angry and vengeful.

He wasn't.

He helped people escape; he was just... lonely.

He tried to talk to the others, but they wouldn't listen. The number of murders he'd seen committed on people who were unlucky enough to walk through the town was astronomical.

And he couldn't stop it.

He felt useless.

How could he save people yet as soon as he became a ghost, he couldn't do anything?

He missed his family.

He missed Ridith.

The only people that the others wouldn't hurt were children, which was good.

They also wouldn't hurt the people who managed to escape the cult. It was mainly because Ax's parents were here.

They were the only people who actually talked to Sho. They were grateful he saved their child.

He just wished he could've saved himself.

He thought he was okay with dying, he wasn't okay with being a ghost.

He was so alone.

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