Stars will fall

16 1 6

Ax struggles with nightmares.

He's seen things no one else should, he's done things no one else would.

That's why he always likes first shifts, he can stay up longer and not have to think about having to fall asleep while he's focusing on making sure they are safe. But now he's been thinking about other things.

They don't like being around people when traveling. It made it all the more confusing why he enjoyed these people's company.

K had pointed that out to him multiple times now, k had questioned him.

"What do you like about Koa?" He had shrugged.

"What do you like about Mikoo?" He's quiet and doesn't get in the way is what he said.

"What do you like about kin?"

And Ax had shut up.

Not because he couldn't think of anything, no. It was because he could think of way too many things, and it freaked him out.

They like that Kin is strong, kind, and caring. It likes that fae is still aloof and scary at times. He likes that Kin is interesting he wants to learn more about faem.

And that was when it clicked for him.

He was getting too attached.

attachment isn't a good idea for Ax, it never ended well And that scared him.

What if kin got hurt because of him? What if he hurt kin? What if fae start to get suspicious of them? What then? What could he do?

Kin wants to help find clues yet doesn't know why Ax wants this so badly. That confused Ax.

It's all confusing to him.

He doesn't want to delve into his past, but he knows he'll have to.

It scares him.

He needs a smoke.

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