Gilded Lily

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Ridith grumbles as he wraps the bandages around the teen's arm. Mumbling curses to himself as he finishes and sits back. He looks down at the boy and his brows soften.

It wasn't Ax's fault he'd been attacked. Ridith looks off to the side and sighs, Ax was too immature to be fighting, it was like he didn't care about the damage done to his body, as long as he lived past it.

He stops thinking when he hears a voice, it is quiet as if he is testing the waters.

"Ridith.. right?" The boy says, looking up at the satyr through the thick strands of hair covering his eyes. Ridith can't help but wonder how on earth he sees past it.

Ridith nods and responds with a quick "yeah". The teen in front of him lifts his head, one of the few times Ridith has managed to get a look at the young changeling's face.

Only he wasn't scowling this time, there was a smile on his face, a toothy grin.

"I remembered!" Ax says gleefully, closing his eyes and laughing at themself a little. "I remembered your name!"

"is that an accomplishment?" Ridith asked, he didn't know much other than the kid's name was Ax, and that he was 15.

He'd only met the kid a handful of times.

"Yeah, I never really get to remember names..." Ax responds, idly playing with his hair using their uninjured arm. "I only know a few" and he falls silent looking ridith straight in the eyes.

Ax looks lost for a moment, seemingly lost in his head before suddenly speaking again.

"he says I should say thank you" Ax mumbles, partially to himself. They look away from Ridith and say a little louder "So thank you."

Ridith nods before really thinking about the teen's words, who told him to say thanks? It was only the two of them.

"you're welcome," he says, before continuing; "are you alright?"

Asking directly probably wasn't the best way to go about this, or asking at all. Ax trusted him but that trust was so frail it could snap at any moment.

"huh? What? Oh sorry..." Ax looks back at Ridith, the smile on his face long gone, in the best words Ridith could use the kid looked flat now. "I'm okay, thank you for uh.. helping me again"

Ridith only nods before standing up "You going back to Devreka?"

"yes, why?"

"You need rest before you leave, I have an extra room upstairs" ridith mutters, walking off to the front door "Stay if you'd like, I'll be outside if you need me." He says before leaving.

He needed out of that house, not because the kid was scaring him, no. He wanted to help the poor changeling.

It was because he could feel a presence, something watching him and that freaked him out.

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