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I've been quiet ever since I've come here, meaning to loosen the suspicion of the Italian mafia. But I almost blew my cover, without meaning to do so. 

I need to escape my thoughts, and one easy way to do is to kill. I quickly change into simple black clothes, slick and skintight. Then climb out through the windows. Yes, exactly what you see in spy movies. 

I already figured out where all the camera's are and when the guards rotate. Quickly making my way out, until I bump into a block of solid muscle. 

"Fucking hell, what are you doing here Gray. I told you to do nothing." I whisper scream actually  wanting to scream. Gray smiles in his black suit, his hand leading my eyes to the road where a black Lamborghini sits. 

"God, Gray there are camera's here." 

"I already looped them." 

"Do you think they're stupid? They'll figure it out." 

"They can't. I've already tried it before." 

"Fine, but you're driving, I'm 15." 

"Of course, lady." I'm secretly happy he knows me this well but I hide it behind a wall of anger. Getting in I find the familiar black mask.  

A dark gold mask that covers the top half of my face fully, except my green eyes. Shaped upwards with spikes, like a dragon's scale. It curls around my head, making something like a crown on the top of my head. 

The symbol I always use. 2 dragons over a sword, in small printing but something everybody in this world can tell. "There's a fight today. The prize is something you'll be interested in." 

"My interest is rare." 

"I know, so this one's special. You'll see." 

As soon as he finishes talking we arrive in a place that looks like a club, passing the bouncers who wave us in without a second look. Walking over to a waiter dressed in all white, Gray hands him a coin. 

A coin given to all v.i.p's at this club, a fighting club. Gold, with my crest on it. He looks at me once and leads us down a set of stairs, to a room. Our own room. 

There are doors, and those doors lead to the arenas. I wait as sets of cloths are brought in. White, black and both. I get to pick and I go for the white one, which brings out the color of blood. 

Along with a fully white mask, this time I slide another mask on underneath, black, in case my opponent takes interest in my face. "Uh, Dia, you've gotta look at this." 

He shows me footage of a cctv and I close my eyes once. There on the screen are some very familiar faces. Way too familiar. Lorenzo, Vale, Luca, Dante, Angelo, Vincenzo, all of the boys. 

"Gray, I swear I'll kill you if the prize doesn't interest me." He turns away, refusing to look at me. "Gray." GRay" GRAy" "GRAY". 

"Hmm? Did I hear something? Oh, you called Dia, I have bad hearing, you have to understand." I take out a glinting sword for decoration from the wall and point it at him. 

"Dia, you're turn." He points at the screen on the side of the wall that has my name on it. 

I walk out, still pointing the sword before throwing it away and opening the door to a long hallway. Walking out, there's a ring with people, some I recognize others new. 

"The champion we've all been waiting for. The legendary Nera." Black in italian and my fighting name. I use 2 different names, as there are too many people trying to kill me as Diavola. 

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