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"Would you be happier if we ended it here?"
Woohyun was taken back by the shocking question.
"End what?"
"This. The marriage. Maybe we should go back to our own life before all of this," you suggested, avoiding eye contact with him.
"When I took that vow, I meant every word of it."
You stayed silent.
"You can bring me the divorce papers, but please know that I'll never sign my name on it," Woohyun angrily said, before walking away.
Just when you thought you two could sort it out, everything seemed to go back downhill.
You wiped the tear away.
It's going to end anyway.
You thought.
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Another week passed. The silence in the house was slowly killing you.
You weren't sure if Woohyun was feeling the same.
On the other hand, Woohyun still couldn't figure out why you chose that path, or even thought about that path.
You two sat across from each other, in silence, eating away your dinner.
Woohyun glanced up at you, who looked gloomy.
"Pack for a 3 days trip this weekend. I got a business travel to Jeju."
You looked up from your plate, as his request caught your attention.
"Pack for yourself too. You're coming along," Woohyun said, before taking his leave out of the kitchen.
You looked over your shoulder, confused.
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You stood outside of the car, patiently, waiting for Woohyun to unload the bags out of the trunk.
"We got it from here, Mr. Kim. Thanks for dropping us off!" Woohyun thanked. You, on the other hand, gave Mr. Kim a bow to show your gratitude.
"Safe travels, Mr. and Mrs. Nam," Mr. Kim bowed before taking his leave.
Just as you were about to grab your bag, Woohyun quickly snatched it before you could even grab a hold of it.
"Woohyun," you managed to say his name. You didn't realized how much you missed saying his name.
Woohyun continued walking away from you, ignoring your call.
You sighed and quickly ran to catch up to him.
"I can take my bag."
Woohyun placed your bag on the conveyor belt as security checked.
You quickly walked ahead of Woohyun, getting checked first.
Your bag appeared on the other end, grabbing it before Woohyun could.
You walked ahead of him as he trailed behind you.
You thought by doing what you did would stop him, but you thought wrong.
Woohyun grabbed your bag, stopping you.
"I can carry it on my own," you told him, as you two were now holding the bag.
"I'll carry it."
You gave up and releasing your grip on the bag.
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Before you knew it, the plane landed on Jeju Island.
It would be your first time.
There was so much stuff you wanted to explore, but you knew this was a business trip.
You would be tagging along with Woohyun only.
You and Woohyun walked out of the airport to be greeted by another man.
"Mr. and Mrs. Nam," he bowed to you two.
"Thank you for picking us up, Mr. Yoo," Woohyun smiled.
You gave him a small bow.
It was a tendency for you to do.
Sometimes you forgot that you married one of the richest men in Seoul.
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You sat by the window behind the driver's side, while Woohyun sat by the other window.
You looked out and smiled.
You didn't know how green and different it would be from the city.
Woohyun looked over at you, noticing that you were distracted by the view.
He wanted to say something to you, but nothing came out, so he went back and looked out his window.
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Woohyun, again, carried your bag inside while you trailed behind him.
Everything was new to you. You felt like a foreigner, excited to sight-see.
You slowly observed the tall ceilings and modern, yet simple decor.
You never thought you'd get a chance to be in such beautiful place and after all, it was Jeju Island.
After Woohyun checked you two in, you both made your way to the elevator.
You two stood side-by-side, neither saying a word to each other.
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You trailed behind Woohyun, as he opened the door to luxurious suite.
Your eyes widened in surprised. You've never seen a room so huge.
"I'm going to go out for a second," Woohyun said, as he set the bags down.
You stayed quiet, though acknowledge his words.

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