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"Where are you going?" Woohyun asked, catching his breath.
"What are you doing here?"
Wasn't he supposed to be with Jihyun?
"Why aren't you at the hospital?"
Your eyes widened by surprised.
"I....how...I wasn't at the hospital," you stuttered through your lies.

Woohyun sighed, before he swiftly carried you, bridal-style.
"Woohyun, put me down."
You were too fragile to squirm out of his arms.

He ignored you, walking to the car.
Just as he placed you in the passenger's seat, you attempted to get out, only to be stopped be him, leaning towards you.
"Sit," he said, as he pulled the seatbelt over you.
You wanted to fight back, but you had no energy to bicker with him, letting him win this time.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────​​​​​​
"Are we going home?" you asked him, as he got into his seat.
He glanced at you, putting his seatbelt on.
"I'm bringing you back to the hospital," he answered, before making a U-turn back to the hospital.

'"I'm fine. Let's just go home," you said.
"I don't believe you."
"The doctor allowed me to go home, that's why I got on the bus."
Woohyun tuned you out.
All he wanted to do was get you to the hospital as fast as possible.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────​​​​​​
You were back in the same room, in the same bed.
Woohyun stood to the side, as the doctor finished inserting the IV needle back on your arm.
"Rest well," she wished, before leaving.
Woohyun walked out with the doctor.
You stared at the door in which they both left, confused to how Woohyun figured out about you being admitted to the hospital.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────​​​​​​
"Will my wife be okay?" Woohyun asked anxiously.
All he knew was he would live with guilt, if anything happened to you.
"She will be fine. According to my examination, it looks like she had food poisoning. I have prescribed her some medication to help with the fever and any nauseating effect. I'm glad that you brought her back, so we can monitor her condition," the doctor said.
"What about the baby?" Woohyun asked, "will the baby be okay?"
The doctor gave Woohyun a confused look.
"From my examination, I did not find any other conditions besides the fever," she responded.
"Are you sure, Doctor?" Woohyun asked again.
"If you want an ultrasound, I can do one tomorrow morning."
"Please, thank you."
" No problem. Please make sure she gets enough rest for tonight. If her temperature drops, I'll discharge her."
"Thank you."
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────​​​​​​
You looked out the window, wondering how you got back into the room you wanted to leave so bad.
Will he come back, or will he go back to Jihyun?
Just as you finished that thought, the door opened, revealing him.
A part of you felt happy that he came back.
The other part of you wondered if he was going to give you the cold shoulders.

He pulled the stool over to your side.
You looked back at the window, avoiding eye contact with him.
It wasn't that you weren't ready to see him, but it was because you didn't know if he wanted to talk to you.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were sick?"
You heard his question.
"How long were you going to hide this from me?"
You slowly turned to look at him, as tears filled your eyes.
"Who told you that I was here?" you asked.
"Answer me first."
You knew you lost the old Woohyun with those dark, cold eyes.
It had looked like he haven't gotten any sleep since.
"Woohyun, we can stop the suffering, if we just let everyt---"
"I'm not letting you go."
A tear slowly rolled down your cheek, hearing those words.
"Why not?" you asked.
"I'm not letting you go," he repeated, making eye contact with you.
His eyes seemed to soften.
"Why do you come home late? Why don't you want to talk to me? Why do I have to eat alone at the table? Why do I have to go to bed alone? Why?" you broke down.
Woohyun stayed quiet.
"You. Nam Woohyun. Do you know? I miss our dates. I miss our talks at dinner. I miss hanging out with you. I miss sleeping next to you. I miss your teasing. I miss your hugs. I miss you. Do you hear me? I miss you!" you sobbed quietly, covering your face with your hands.
"Why are you ignoring me?" you mumbled through your cries, "I just miss you so much."

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